Last week the United States Supreme Court granted injunction requests from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn and two Orthodox Jewish synagogues to block New York’s coronavirus-related attendance limits on worship services. Today the Supreme Court ordered a federal district court [link] to take a second look at a California church’s challenge to state restrictions on indoor worship services.

The Supreme Court is currently the only institution holding the thin and frayed constitutional line…

NOW HEAR THIS GEORGIA VOTERS – You are currently wide-eyed to the reality that republicans are often, perhaps always, no better than the other wing of the same uniparty bird in DC. The establishment GOP is indeed an enemy to our republic.

HOWEVER, the U.S. Senate is the only institution right now that can block the destruction of the Supreme Court. The power to consent and confirm lies in the Senate.

As much as there is righteous anger pointed toward the republican party establishment for their duplicitous and Machiavellian construct, YOU MUST get out and vote for the republican senators in the run-off election, because if you don’t the leftist hoard will overwhelm the battlements of SCOTUS.

Think strategically. Act purposefully. Hold The Senate !
