As President Trump begins day-two at the G20 he happens to tweet a public message to Chairman Kim Jong-Un about a quick meet-and-greet at the DMZ.  You know, if you’ve got a few minutes… LOL.

Too darned funny….. Obviously this possibility was the subject of the letter which President Trump recently sent to Chairman Kim which the North Korean leader described as “excellent content“.   Trump had this tweet timed for this moment. As we noted at the time, this was predictable.

By President Trump announcing the possibility of a visit with Kim Jong-un before Xi has a chance to sell his DPRK influence for a better trade outcome, President Trump has essentially removed any value.  Chairman Xi, the hostage taker, has been tricked by the hostage rescuer.

On the hostage dynamic – last week the hostage taker (Chairman Xi), finally positioned the public optics of Chairman Kim as the hostage; and indicated a likelihood Beijing would negotiate terms for release (better trade deal) with President Trump. Therefore the rescuer (Trump) countered with communication with the hostage (Kim), and set up an entirely different geopolitical background.
President Trump has totally out-witted Chairman Xi.

BACKGROUND – President Trump no longer has to worry about missiles from the military within North Korea that is controlled by Beijing. Kim no longer needs to worry about missiles being fired from his regime. Chairman Xi has taken ownership of all hostile military action from inside the DPRK.
Remember, generally speaking President trump held two connected objectives: (1) removing the threat posed by North Korea by severing the ability of Beijing to use the proxy province as a weapon (Kim hostage); and (2) deconstructing the growing economic influence of China.
President Trump now moves to phase two of the plan.
Chairman Xi Jinping (China) and President Moon Jae-in meet at the G20.  This is the magnanimous panda meeting that was set up first by Beijing. Xi plays the role of magnanimous panda in denuclearizing the DPRK and using Moon Jae-in as the panda optic of peace with Chairman Kim Jong-un.
Chairman Xi then meets with President Trump for ‘expanded’ talks at the G20. This meeting was set up after the magnanimous panda play was scheduled. Here, Chairman Xi will offer President Trump peace and a denuclearized DPRK (essentially Beijing taking their missile technology back) in exchange for trade concessions.
President Trump is scheduled to travel to South Korea for a meeting with Moon Jae-in after the G20.
From Xi’s position, Moon Jae-in will fill in the details of the denuclearized DPRK to President Trump. However, what Chairman Xi is about to discover is that Trump doesn’t care about cunning magnanimous panda, and there will be no concessions (except possibly a return to the original commitment by Vice-Chairman Liu He).
The Trump letter to Kim is saying congratulations on the threat removal; and now we both know you are less captive… with some new possibilities outlined therein… I have a plan to remove your captor.
By President Trump announcing the possibility of a visit with Kim Jong-un before Xi has a chance to sell his DPRK influence for a better trade outcome, President Trump has essentially removed any value.  Chairman Xi, the hostage taker, has been tricked, outwitted, out-strategized, by the hostage rescuer, Presideent Trump.
Every media outlet in the world will be watching President Trump and Moon Jae-in meet with Chairman Kim Jong-Un at the DMZ.  You think anyone will remember that magnanimous panda visit by Chairman Xi Jinping?
Think about how the hostage situation now?  Game over for Beijing and their DPRK influence.  President Trump visibly unites the two Koreas.  Holy SNAP, genius.
I Just Can’t Stop Laughing.
Beyond brilliant.

Rucky Day… Rucky Day!
