National Security Adviser John Bolton appears with Maria Bartiromo to discuss recent reports that Kim Jong-un is moving toward more nuclear testing.
Obviously that discussion moves quickly into the influence of China and Chairman Xi Jinping.
The frustrating question no-one ever seems to ask is not “if” China controls the DPRK government, but rather “to what extent”?
It has become more obvious in the past few years that North Korea’s Chairman Kim Jong-un has much less control over officials and military leadership within his own government than previously thought.
Does Chairman Xi and Beijing structurally control everything around Kim? Is Kim a hostage; forced to ride a dragon he doesn’t control?  I think the answer is yes.

Once people start to realize that China controls North Korea as a proxy province, then the discussion can evolve toward the true nature of the challenge, and the way President Trump is precariously negotiating a hostage release while refusing to pay the ransom.

In the second part of the interview Ms. Bartiromo discusses the scale of the threat from China; military, economic and national security. Here’s where John Bolton becomes less valuable to President Trump, and oddly Bolton even seems to admit it.
NSA John Bolton can assist and advise President Trump on the best way to move troops, position logistics, and bomb the shit out of an geopolitical adversary. However, the concept of using trade, finance and economics, as a much more powerful national security tool, is outside Bolton’s skill-set.
As a direct consequence of Bolton’s lack of expertise in the use of economics to achieve national security objectives, in the Dance with The Dragon he becomes less influential; you can see it in his responses…. that stuff is just foreign to him.
Deep inside the geopolitical fight against China the most valuable Generals are corporate titans, captains of industry, apex predators and business ‘killers’ who know how to contracts to remove the flesh from a financial adversary and enjoy the challenge of doing it.

