Congressman Tim Huelskamp appeared on Fox News Sunday today to provide the #NeverTrumpers with a proselytizing butthurt voice in the media cycle.  Huelskamp was so proud of himself after the interview, he bragged about it to his #NeverTrump cohorts.
Of course, it goes without saying, corporate Fox News Broadcasting is more than willing to give the location coordinates  to a social purity moonbat on a kamikaze mission in order to continue their efforts to sabotage any adversary to Wall Street’s preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton.
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It is doubtful you could find a more representative persona (and set of accompanying arguments) for the typical Ted Cruz supporter than Tim Huelskamp.
In the video below the congressman outlines how Donald Trump fails all applied social litmus tests for conservative purity because Mr. Trump is not: religious enough, preachy enough, politically correct enough, and in a general sense is too crass for the moral authority wing of the religious right.
As Congressman Huelskamp outlines, those who are elected to legislate on appropriate bathroom issues, tone and manners, gender roles, as well as appropriate hem lengths, distance between dance partners and the dangers of modern cultural music, are aghast that a republican electorate would consider such vulgar “New York values” (<— yes Alice, he actually said that).
You must watch this video below and you’ll see exactly why “Religious Purity Conservative Republicans” lose elections:

Great job providing team Clinton will all those soundbites to use.  Ideological purity moonbats….  Gah, I can’t stand em’.
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