Reminder – healthcare workers in Liberia are now on strike.

Obama ebola executive order

ebola military
Perhaps more infuriating than this Executive Order is knowing the XO comes with qualifiers which force our U.S. military to be the tip of the spear in countries where the African government will not deal with their own internal crises.
Obviously, this is why the Pentagon has also been given pro-active quarantine authorizations to isolate our troops after deployment.   President Obama and the Pentagon apparatus are predicting a probability of Troop exposure and infection.
Add to this sentiment – the elitist pontifications of the international community through the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights:

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights said aid it is important that those who have been infected with Ebola ‘be treated with dignity, not stigmatized or cast out.” (Oct. 16).

[cussing alert] – – > These insufferable jackasses at the United Nations have the audacity to sit on their collectivist asses and tell the United States that we are just not politically correct enough for them – and they have ‘concerns‘ about our approach.
Obama - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's NestReally?
The countries which form the U.N. HCHR do jack-squat to stem the crisis of Ebola – yet they sit on their pontificating perches and cast aspersions toward the approach of the U.S. military; warning that we should be more sensitive to the plight of the West Africans?
The damn West African governments’ en masse are overwhelmed and collapsing.
Their own healthcare infrastructure is comprised of citizens who are too afraid to go to work; they are sitting on their ass waiting for us to ride in and come to their rescue.
The EU does diddly squat to support them, and now we have to hear from the euro-weanies about making sure we are politically correct in our approach to the delivery of assistance they themselves are unwilling and incapable of ?
… And because the U.N. is incapable of rising to the challenge.  …And because the EU refuses to send their men and women into the “Hot Zone”. ….We have to have our reservist troops activated just to insure the delivery of rescue from a disease they themselves refuse to deal with ?


eagle stare
