Just thought I’d highlight the contrast of funeral attendance.   A Saint Louis Thug shot while assaulting the police gets three White House officials at his funeral; meanwhile a two star General is killed in combat and…. well, you get the picture.   Carry on.
WASHINGTON –  Three White House officials will attend the funeral Monday of Michael Brown, the unarmed Ferguson teen shot and killed by a police officer Aug. 9.
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According to a White House official, Broderick Johnson, who heads the White House’s My Brother’s Keeper Task Force, will attend the service along with Marlon Marshall, a St. Louis native who attended high school with Brown’s mother. Heather Foster, who works with Marshall in the White House Office of Public Engagement, will also be in the pews at Brown’s funeral.
Brown was shot six times by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson. 
The service is set for 10 a.m. at the Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church, where Brown’s uncle, the Rev. Charles Ewing, will eulogize the teen, whose death has set off protests and conversations about racial profiling and the militarization of the police. The church can accommodate 4,500 people and the arrangements are being paid for by Alpha Phi Alpha, the nation’s oldest black fraternity.
The  Rev. Al Sharpton will also speak at the service, which is likely to draw a large crowd.
In addressing the teen’s death, President Obama pointed to his My Brother’s Keeper initiative as part of his strategy of addressing some of the issues raised by Brown’s killing.
“In too many communities, too many young men of color are left behind and seen only as objects of fear,” Obama said. “And through initiatives like My Brother’s Keeper, I’m personally committed to changing both perception and reality. And already, we’re making some significant progress, as people of good will of all races are ready to chip in.”  (read more)
holder and obama

mike brown memorial

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