Georgia Democrat Congressman John Lewis, 80, the leader of the 2017 Democrat agenda to boycott the inauguration of President Trump, died last night from pancreatic cancer.

On January 13, 2017, representative John Lewis (D-GA) stated President-elect Donald Trump was “not a legitimate president” and led 70 congressional members to boycott the inauguration.

WASHINGTON – Rep. John R. Lewis, the civil rights icon whose fight for racial justice began in the Jim Crow south and ended in the halls of Congress, died Friday night.

The Georgia lawmaker had been suffering from Stage IV pancreatic cancer since December. He was 80.

The son of Alabama sharecroppers, Lewis served in Congress for more than three decades, pushing the causes he championed as an original Freedom Rider challenging segregation, discrimination and injustice in the Deep South – issues reverberating today in the Black Lives Matter movement. (read more)
