Coast to Coast the professional apparatus of the GOPe (Financiers) are deploying every strategy to influence the 2016 Presidential election.
However, more people are becoming aware of what Wall Street demands, Jeb Bush; and more people have caught on to the scheme embedded within the GOPe road map to nominate Jeb Bush, the patriot boots on the ground are fighting back.
Trump warrior
The influence of Wall Street is so deeply entrenched in this struggle the reality of what is taking place is gobsmacking.  Wall Street Hedge fund billionaires are dropping millions and millions into races through Super-PACs to control the outcome.
Historically money has always been a corrupting influence.  However, since the Citizens United SCOTUS decision the Republican Party apparatus no longer needs the electorate they are supposed to represent.
The influence of money has EXPLODED exponentially and now national Super-PAC expenditures are creeping into state legislatures and party rule apparatus.   In a very real way this is all coming out as a result of Donald Trump’s representative risk to the financiers.
State party officials now changing the Presidential election rules hoping to counter Trump’s popularity with machinations to favor their establishment systems.  Yesterday, we told you about North Carolina doing exactly thatLast night the push back began.

Fellow North Carolina Republicans,

URGENCY It is with urgency and resolve that we write you at this hour. We also write urging a general call to action to contact your legislators regarding a very important vote in both chambers of the General Assembly. This vote regards the Conference Committee Substitute bill to HB373, which would make stark and radical changes to the operation of the Republican and Democratic parties of North Carolina. This bill was made public just yesterday, and less than a week before the NCGA plans to adjourn.

RECAP Admittedly, the bill does some good things. It combines all primaries, including the presidential, into one primary, thus, saving the taxpayer money. The bill also moves our state’s presidential preference primary from February to March, allowing the North Carolina Republican party to avoid severe delegate penalties, and insuring that all the 72 delegates and 69 alternates we have earned are secured by us in the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

POISON PILL However, a surprise “poison pill” has been added to the bill. The specific section is § 163-278.8B. Affiliated party committees. CLICK LINK HERE:

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Should this section become law, the majority and minority party leaders of each chamber will be permitted to set up competing state Republican and Democratic Party committees.

These party committees run by caucus leadership will be able to accept unlimited party PAC money traditionally directed through the state parties. Caucus leadership will be able to spend this money; however they see fit, unbound by the party rules traditional party leaders are constrained by. They will be able to insert themselves into primary contests. These committees will enjoy the right to use the names, abbreviations and symbols of the state parties and generally exercise trademark rights. It is an outrageous addition to the bill.

CALL TO ACTION In a word, these “affiliated party committees” aim to make the state political parties irrelevant. This is an 11th hour addition inserted by caucus bosses that will not stand. We strongly urge you to contact your legislators right away and insist that this offending section be stricken from the bill.

Thank you and God bless North Carolina and the United States of America.

American Patriot
