Criminal Charges Announced Against Baltimore Police Officers In Freddie Gray's DeathThe Baltimore State Attorney, Marilyn Mosby, filed response motions today in advance of next month’s scheduled hearing. She does not want her investigative team questioned about their activity prior to her Direct Action Charges. In essence she is directly trying to avoid sunlight.
When you read the response motions you begin to understand why. Example #1)

[…]  In asking Circuit Court Judge Barry Williams to revoke the subpoenas, prosecutors expanded on their responses to past defense allegations, including a claim that prosecutors steered police away from looking into whether Gray had a history of “crash-for-cash” schemes to injure himself in hope of collecting settlements.

Prosecutors said they “wanted to keep police focused on uncovering what happened to Mr. Gray inside the transportation van and not on what may have happened to Mr. Gray in some past incident,” which they say requires no one to testify to explain.
“One of the state’s legal obligations is to advocate for Mr. Gray as a victim and uncover how he was injured, not to stand blinded by the blue lights and conclude that he was to blame for his own fatal injuries because of some prior accusation of self-injury in police custody,” prosecutors wrote. (link)

As if the fact that Freddie Gray having previously attempted to injure himself would have absolutely no bearing on a rather suspicious set of injuries that could entirely be explained by his prior self-infliction of similar injury. You see what she’s doing there?

Example #2) […] They also addressed the issue of the knife Gray was carrying when he was arrested. Police have said it was a switchblade, which is illegal under city law. Prosecutors said they inspected the knife and determined it was not a switchblade.
The sides have sparred over whether prosecutors wrongly looked to state law when determining if the knife was illegal.
Prosecutors said the “more relevant matters” were “Gray’s injuries and what the defendants did to prevent and care for those injuries.”  (link)

“More relevant matters”? What could be more “relevant” than the entire construct of the charges “wrongful arrest/detention” against three of the officers based entirely on Mosby not knowing that city law prohibited the flip blade knife he possessed.
You can’t make this stuff up.
This Mosby lady is inept, incompetent, inexperienced and putting her activist ideology as the prism before the law.  It even shows in her logic – she says she knows the root cause of violence in Baltimore is drug use, yet she mandated that all drug offenders NEVER be incarcerated (probation instead).
Think about that logic for a minute.  In essence: I know the majority of the killings are done because of drugs, but I want all the murderers kept out of prison.
Criminal Charges Announced Against Baltimore Police Officers In Freddie Gray's Death
