Agreement leak = Two-Thirds of Iran’s Nuclear Program will be suspended for 10 years with “monitoring”.   update-1  Wow, based on Zarif’s statements Iran got everything they wanted and the U.S. and allies got a bunch of promises.  This is incredible one-sided victory for Iran.

update-1Update: From a VERY HAPPY Minister Zarif statement.

•  Iran keeps Frodo underground facility and will build centrifuges within it – but will not activate them.
•  Iran will continue nuclear enrichment in other facilities.
•  Iran will be allowed to develop more heavy water facilities.
•  ALL UN and U.S. Sanctions will be lifted.
•  UN sanctions lifted immediately.
•  U.S. as soon as legally possible.
•  Iran promises to wait 10 years until it builds a nuclear bomb.

Iran 2

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Via Associated Press – LAUSANNE, Switzerland (AP) — Iran and six world powers have agreed on the outlines of an understanding to limit Iran’s nuclear programs, negotiators indicated Thursday, as both sides prepared for announcements.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif tweeted: “Found solutions. Ready to start drafting immediately.”

European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini tweeted that she would meet the press with Zarif after a final meeting of the seven nations in the nuclear talks. She wrote: “Good news.”

[…]  Mogherini and Zarif were to read out the same statement in English and Farsi. Zarif and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry were then expected to brief reporters separately. (read more)
