Before getting to the Dorian Johnson aspect I just want to highlight something Prosecutor McCulloch stated in his press conference:

The Grand Jury watched all the media interviews of witnesses prior to hearing their ‘in person’ grand jury testimony.

In my opinion this simple fact is what was so devastating to Dorian Johnson, Piaget Crenshaw and Tiffany Mitchell.  They simply lied to the media.  This is also why the media is standing jaw agape trying to reconcile the Grand Jury outcome.
One of the more interesting elements noted by the physical evidence, and DNA testing, relates to confirming the Dorian Johnson bracelet we first identified back in August.
When Dorian was aiding Mike Brown robbing the Liquor Mart, we noted the CCTV showed him with a yellow or gold bracelet on his right wrist.
bracelet 2
Later, as we identified him in interviews, that bracelet was missing.  We scoured through video, published media pictures, and we found it at the car.
Wilson truck with shell casing highlighted
bracelet 4
At least we thought that was it, but our pictures were sketchy.  So we were not 100% sure.
The evidence released last night proves this was indeed Dorian Johnson’s bracelet.
(link – Page #5)
bracelet evidencebracelet evidence 2
bracelet evidence 3
DNA testing also reflected that both Darren Wilson and Dorian Johnson’s DNA were present on the bracelet(s).
What does that mean?
As we shared back in August, it means Dorian physically participated in the assault of  Officer Wilson and was not the innocent victim/witness he claimed to be.  This also gives him motive to lie – as he did to the media.
In addition, and again as we surmised, the Dorian participation would have been witnessed by the driver of the White Vehicle noted to be blocked by the position of Officer Wilson’s SUV.
That witness is Witness #40.
witness 10
Witness #40 who was in the car blocked by the police SUV, was the closest person to the entire incident and witnessed every single aspect from beginning to end.
Fortunately Witness #40 did not live in Canfield Greens and was not subject to the community peer pressure.


Why does that matter?

For two good reasons.   FIRST: Because if we could figure that out with nothing more than video’s and screenshots – the media most certainly could have figured that out with all of their resources available.
However, secondly, and perhaps more importantly – Dorian Johnson, who we just proved to be a brazen liar, is being protected, literally protected, by the NAACP in what they call a “Witness Protection Program“.   MSNBC outlined how the NAACP was hiding, and paying for witnesses -including Dorian Johnson- to remain hidden (source).
Let’s hope that Dorian Johnson was never offered a deal to come clean.   Let us also hope we are able to find Dorian’s Grand Jury testimony, and they don’t decide to hide it for his own protection.  Let’s further hope that Robert McCullough charges him with Mike Brown’s death.
Dorian, Tiffany and Piaget were the three characters who created the entire false narrative that has now led to an entire community in flames.
Here’s the outline we put together in August without the benefit of all the physical, and forensic evidence now being released.

—————————  Previously —————————————

AUGUST 30th – Initially we thought the item identified at the base of the drivers door was brass shell casings as a consequence of Officer Darren Wilson discharging his firearm while under assault by Mike Brown. (click to enlarge)
Wilson truck with shell casing highlighted
We were wrong.
HatTip to Treeper LTC8K6According to his own statements and media testimony, accomplice Dorian Johnson said he was not involved in the physical confrontation at the SUV of officer Darren Wilson.
Additionally, in his various statements, witness Michael Brady had placed Dorian at the passenger side of the SUV approximately 5 feet from the front bumper. But Brady readily admits he did not see the origination of the struggle, only the part where it got really loud, captured his attention, and he peered through his apartment window to witness Mike Brown punching Officer Darren Wilson through his SUV window.
darion johnsonDorian Johnson has repeatedly claimed he was not involved in assaulting Officer Wilson. Johnson blamed Mike Brown for the violence that occurred at the vehicle.
Logically this seemed to make sense because obviously when presented with two subjects officer Wilson identified Mike Brown as the greater of the two threats, and did not pursue Dorian – Wilson’s focus was on Big Mike Brown.
However, evidence now suggests that both Mike Brown AND Dorian Johnson were involved physically at the SUV in the initial struggle with Darren Wilson.
When Mike Brown and Dorian Johnson entered the Ferguson Liquor Market to steal the cigars, the “rellos“, there was a distinct gold bracelet on the right wrist of Dorian.
He’s wearing a loose wide rubber band on his left wrist, and a gold bracelet on his right.
The link style bracelet is most identifiable in the CCTV footage as Big Mike reaches back to hand Johnson the first package of cigars. (*note* it’s best visible in the HD versions of the CCTV upload)
bracelet 2
Two HD versions of the CCTV video:

But when you see Dorian Johnson next, about an hour and 20 minutes later giving his scripted media interview in the apartment complex, the bracelet is gone.
Screen Shot:
Dorian Johnson hands up
… and here’s video confirmation of its disappearance, (keeping in mind the “Hand’s Up” aspect was manufactured by the man standing behind him, Anthony Shahid):

The missing bracelet appears to be what we initially identified as brass casing(s) on the ground at the drivers side of officer Darren Wilson’s SUV (3200 x 1800 image):
Wilson truck with shell casing highlighted
How did Dorian lose his bracelet ?
Considering the events as described there are few explanations and all involve physically interacting with Officer Wilson.
In the following image note the drivers side rear view mirror:
wilson vehicle 4.1
Notably pushed into its breakaway position facing the opposite direction from which Mike Brown ran.
In addition we can reconcile another point of physical evidence. The item located at the furthest evidence cone in this image is indeed Mike Brown’s slider style sandal.
Wilson truck with shell casing highlighted
Again, if you go back to the CCTV tape you will note a very specific slide sandal worn by Big Mike. Here’s what they look like:
mike brown slidesThe slide next to the evidence cone is one of these upside down. If you invert the image I do believe you’ll note it is from the right foot – which would make sense if you were in a struggle and then turned going to rapidly run East from a position to the rear of the SUV. You would push off with your dominant outside foot, in this case your right.
This apparent rapid acceleration while stumbling (somewhat) could cause the right foot slide to dislodge during rapid inertia or acceleration.
The other evidentiary item identified at the scene of the confrontation is Big Mike’s ballcap. Also visible in the CCTV video.
0005 rough sketch
The mystery bullet noted above the ground floor window south of the incident would indicate a struggle at or near the vehicle with the discharge of at least one shot.
bullet hole 1
bullet hole 3
Speculation based on data – A plausible scenario exists where both Big Mike and Dorian were physically involved with Darren Wilson while the car door was closed, or only partially open.
Perhaps this moment is when Dorian lost his bracelet, and when the door was opening he fled toward the Northwest parking lot where he was later identified amid the crowd.
Perhaps in his movement toward the front of the SUV it was Dorian, not Mike, who ran into, or bent, the breakaway side view in the direction of his travel while Big Mike continued to engage with Officer Wilson.
During this Wilson and Brown engagement could be when the officers firearm was discharged toward the rear of the vehicle, missing Brown but hitting the building behind as noted. Perhaps that’s when Mike decided he’d lost the element of first aggression and now Wilson’s revolver became the equalizer to a significant size disparity.
Perhaps that’s why Big Mike took off running East, losing his Nike slide, and continued in his socked feet until they ultimately came face to face again.
Under this scenario Dorian would have gone in one direction, Northwest from the front of the vehicle, and Big Mike would have gone in the other direction Southeast from the rear.
Canfield Map 4 with witness locations
Much like the Zimmerman fiasco we do not present these analytical discussions as a fight for the freedom of one man – We fight back for the freedom of our republic lost when a duplicitous media fail to uphold their responsibility as a fulcrum of truthful information.
Part of that essential freedom is a demand upon our national press, and a concerted effort to hold the fourth estate to account for delivery of the truth – even when that truth itself presents a painful look into the mirror of consequence.
The Fourth Estate has been compromised beyond all horrible imaginings.
Therefore it is not “burying us with irrelevancies” to fight the dark media agenda of deception. And we do that by holding up the brightest sunlight upon the facts.
That is not irrelevant, that is our entire purpose. That should be what all blogs strive to achieve within their respective discussions.
Eliminate the need for the The Last Refuge to exist and in good measure you will have restored the republic.
Until then, we will stand guard to the defend the precious yet flickering flame of truth. Even if we err, even if we stumble, and even if the hurricane winds of deception peel the flesh from our hands in the doing…..
If we fail, it shall never be said we failed for lack of effort.
And if, as a consequence of that effort, Officer Darren Wilson is free again to live without the burden of falsely motivated hate afore him, well, that’s the icing. But it’s most certainly not the cake.
