There’s definitely something new afoot with how the western liberal media are selling the Kerry goes to Egypt narrative.

It’s an odd dynamic to think about President Peace Prize Obama needing to put together a coalition of support for his poll tested non-war war on terror; to fight the Non-Islamic Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (NI-ISIS) terror group.
However, the bizarro world is the 2014 new normal.
We are witnessing what happens when the U.S. Sunni President, and 2009 Nobel Peace Prize winner, needs to put a non-combat fighting team together to give the appearance of military attacks for optical publication in globally liberal Western newspapers.
The #hashtag campaign didn’t work.
Turkey has already said they will not support fighting against NI-ISIS because, well, essentially they have been supporting NI-ISIS for the past two years with weapons, intelligence and logistical support. So why would they start attacking a group they helped create and are continuing to fund?
Following his visit to Turkey, where he must have reduced the request to: ‘just don’t go on record against us and we’ll keep up appearances for you‘, John Kerry enters Egypt.
Now, keep in mind Egypt already has it’s hands quite full.
In the Northern Egyptian peninsular Egypt’s president, Fatah el-Sisi, has been fighting ISIS (Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis) for well over a year. Unlike Obama who calls ISIS “non islamic“, el-Sisi has been willing to call Islamic Extremists, well, Islamic; and not only call them Islamic he’s been fighting them on four fronts.
Egypt Banner New
First, secular President el-Sisi had to dispatch the ISIS’s cohort, The Muslim Brotherhood, which he has been fighting, expelling and disbanding for a year. Second he had to take on ISIS’s other cohort, HAMAS, on the Egyptian/Gaza border in order to stop the attacks, and destroy the Sinai border tunnels used to funnel Iranian rockets directed against Israel.
In addition to HAMAS el-Sisi also has to deal with the brother of ISIS, Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis, who operate in the peninsular region with direct communication to ISIS leadership. Then, lastly, as if his hands are not full enough, he has to take on ISIS’s other pals in the Libyan Islamic Fighting Groups who have all assembled under the banner “Libyan Dawn”.
All of this while internally el-Sisi is pushing back against Qatar, who has sought to support The Muslim Brotherhood and provide them refuge. And he’s simultaneously cut loose the tentacles of the Qatari/Brotherhood alliance which are wrapped up around Al Jazeera media.
The Kingdom leadership of UAE and Saudi Arabia fully understand how vital Fatah el-Sisi is to the entire region. Egypt has always been the fulcrum for stability, or lack thereof, and is therefore of vital interest to all the regional players. Egypt is the cultural and intellectual center of the Islamic world. Egyptian President Fatah el-Sisi is currently carrying massive respect from Arab countries who don’t want to see a jihadist return to the dark ages for their nations.
Recently, you might also note, the six members of the Gulf Cooperation Council yanked Qatar into the Arabic kitchen and put the big knife to their throat telling them to knock it off with the ISIS support, “or else”. The code of Omerta still exists within the group, but massive pressure is now upon Qatar to stop with the financing and support of Sunni Islamic terrorism. *NOTE* The Qatari’s love them some Sunni Obama – go figure.
As a direct consequence of el-Sisi’s hardline stance in opposition to Islamic Jihadism, President Obama and John Kerry do not like him – not one bit. However, the feeling is beyond mutual as el-Sisi has needed to deal with the consequences of Sunni Obama’s Feb 2009 Cairo speech which almost led to the collapse of modern Egypt. Egyptians not only distrust President Obama, they hate him – and anything that is attached to him.
Egypt is quite possibly the only nation with clear eyes on who the enemy is. el-Sisi knows ISIS, The Muslim Brotherhood, HAMAS, Libyan Dawn, Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis, al-Qaeda etc. etc. etc. are all feathers of the same Islamic Jihadist bird. el-Sisi considers it open season on the foul Islamists, and has been killing them all in various conflicts.
el sisi 3
Then along comes U.S. Secretary John Kerry asking for support of Sunni Obama’s NI-ISIS campaign. One could imagine el-Sisi looking at horse face and saying “seriously, welcome to the party pal“.
Except he won’t, because el-Sisi has clear eyes and can spot a bunch of nonsense when he sees it.
Fatah el-Sisi knows full well the Sunni Obama NI-ISIS strategy is all smoke and mirrors. el-Sisi knows Turkey’s Erdogan and Sunni Obama are brothers from a similar mother.
el-Sisi knows it’s all a bunch of politically poll driven White House bullshit. He knows this because he has been the one inside the walls clearing the zoo after Sunni Obama and idiot Clinton opened the big cat cages and walked away.
So when you look at these “western” reports about the visit John Kerry is having with Egyptian leadership, take it all with the liberally applied grain of salt it takes to type up the pages.
It’s all about optics, nothing more and nothing less. Sunni Obama doesn’t care about NI-ISIS, Sunni Obama cares about domestic fundamental transformation.
Sunni Obama is being dragged into appearing to do something “over there”.
So he’s selected a retired general, John “whoops my penis came out” Allen, that can be blackmailed controlled outside the command influence of the Pentagon.
Sunni Obama is forming a faux coalition and he isn’t going to do jack squat about NI-ISIS, other than seeing Assad removed (yes, another cage opened) so he can continue to create his Sunni legacy.   A Sunni legacy fully supported by Turkey’s Erdogan.
What Obama/Erdogan Want – If Assad falls, the bulls eye turns to Jordan.  If Jordan falls all forces will align against Israel within weeks – the big cat cages not only opened, but the beasts now rabid.  Even the strength of Egypt will not be enough to stop the onslaught.
Sunni Obama is going to deliver the same consequential outcome to NI-ISIS as he has to stopping Iran from getting a nuclear weapon.
Obama - Kaboom
And liberal historians will never blame him for it….
