Sybrina soupDriving back from Miami-Dade today, and recognizing the defense had run out the clock on Sybrina Fulton’s opportunity to testify, this question crossed my mind: Should the defense ask her any questions ?
I’m absolutely the wrong person to actually answer that question, because quite frankly I have researched too much about her.
But I’m wondering what you think?
Is the risk of seeming callous toward a grieving parent such that asking her deliberate questions should be avoided?
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If it were up to me, I would. But again, I’m way too close and too understanding of her manipulations. Almost all of which would never be grasped or understood by a jury. Especially a jury of women and Moms.
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The types of questions I would ask would be to open doors to further evidence – The prosecution would never expect the defense would be so bold as to crack those doors with Sybrina on the stand – If you think about the evidence they would frame around her testimony, they themselves would be opening quite a few doors, is it possible to walk through them? I already know the answers to most of these specific questions, but would really like to see Sybrina’s reconciliation:
Who was the primary legal guardian of Trayvon – Yourself, or his father, Tracy ?
You have testified the voice you hear on the recording is Trayvon. When was the first time you heard this recording ?
Where were you at the time you heard this recording ?
What was the purpose behind your request to listen to the 911 call in Mayor Triplett’s office?
Was it your idea to ask Mr. Triplett for the recording?
With that in mind, how were you then, and how are you now certain the voice was Trayvons ?
You state with maternal certainty the voice you are testifying to was Trayvon…… Prior to the shooting of Feb 26th – When was the last time you actually talked to Trayvon ?
You state with maternal certainty the voice you hear was Trayvon….. Prior to the shooting of Feb 26th – When was the last time you physically saw Trayvon ?
When you heard from Tracy on Feb 27th at 11:05am that Trayvon was shot/killed, you never went to Sanford. Why is that?
So, when, approximately, was the first time you left Miami and travelled to Sanford/Orlando? Can you remember the purpose for that visit ? Who did you meet upon arrival ?
Where exactly was Trayvon physically living prior to his departure to Sanford ?
Was Trayvon living with you on the final day he attended Krop High School ?
Did you pick him up from School? How did he return home that day from School ?
Trayvon had a cell phone on his person when he was shot and killed – who was the primary account holder for that phone ?
What was the first name of Trayvon’s closest male friend ? Who did he “hang with” ?
Approximately two weeks after Trayvon was shot, you filed a Trademark application to trademark the phrase: “Justice For Trayvon” – why was that ? Was that your idea ? If not, whose idea was it ?

British Soccer Star Sol Campbell, TrayMom™, TrayDad™, Lord Ouseley, and Benjamin Crump - London, England
British Soccer Star Sol Campbell, TrayMom™, TrayDad™, Lord Ouseley, and Benjamin Crump – London, England
