
Finally – Leon Panetta To Appear in Closed-Door Session With Benghazi Committee…

Nothing will come of it, but it is still interesting to point out that for the first time EVER former CIA Director Leon Panetta will give testimony to congress about Libya.

It is important to note that Panetta and Hillary Clinton worked together on Operation Zero Footprint, the covert weapons running and regime change operation which began in March 2011 as a result of President Obama authorizing via presidential “finding memo“.

Hillary Rodham Clinton, Leon Panetta

Clinton and Panetta worked closely together during their Libyan intervention and overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi.   ~See The Benghazi Brief~

After Panetta left the CIA, General Petraeus took over and was ‘technically‘ in charge of the CIA on the night of the Benghazi attack 9/11/12.   However, Petraeus was removed from testifying before congress by the affair with Paula Broadwell which led to his resignation.  Mike Morell took over as interim CIA chief two days before the testimony.  (more…)

Flashback: Hillary Clinton Discusses Profiling Muslims: “Whatever It Takes”…

Hillary Clinton 2015:

Hillary Clinton 2001: (more…)

Latest Release – Number of Hillary Clinton “Classified” Emails Climbs To 999…

(Via Fox News) As the number of classified Hillary Clinton emails grew to nearly 1,000, they also reveal how freely she and her staff shared information on the Benghazi attacks, including confirming the death of Ambassador Chris Stevens – and even celebrating her controversial hearing appearance where she asked, “What difference, at this point, does it make” what led to the attacks.

The emails were part of the largest release yet of Clinton documents from the State Department. (more…)

Documents Reveal Origin of Benghazi Attack…

When we wrote the Benghazi Brief we walked through almost two years of research data from February 2011 through September 2012.   The brief describes the who’s, what’s, where, when and why of everything up to 9/11/12.


However, we did not have the specific “why” of the actual attack itself.   Recent document releases fill in that aspect:


Benghazi Compound Documents Show Hillary Clinton State Department Approving U.S. Weapons Shipments To Libya in 2011…

WASHINGTON DC – The State Department initially approved a weapons shipment from a California company to Libyans seeking to oust Moammar Gadhafi in 2011 even though a United Nations arms ban was in place, according to memos recovered from the burned-out compound in Benghazi.

Abdel Jalil and the Libyan National Transitional CouncilMustafa-Abdel-Jalil-POTUS

The documents, obtained by The Washington Times, show U.S. diplomats at the Benghazi compound were keeping track of several potential U.S.-sanctioned shipments to allies, one or more of which were destined for the Transitional National Council, the Libyan movement that was seeking to oust Gadhafi and form a new government. (more…)

Deconstructing The CBS Report – Hillary Clinton/Benghazi Obfuscation….

Following up to yesterday and the Elijah Cummings pre-testimony report, let’s focus on the CBS presentation therein.

ben rhodes 1CBS is a good reference to show the media obfuscation attempts because CBS holds a vested self-interest in deflections around the various Benghazi narratives.  You might remember it was Ben Rhodes who wrote the Benghazi talking points; Ben’s brother David is President of CBS News.

In addition, you might also remember it was CBS, via 60 Minutes, who withheld/embargoed a broadcast pre election 2012 where President Obama denied al-Qaeda’s terrorist involvement.

A claim Obama denied making in the Candy Crowley debate against his opponent Mitt Romney.  CBS covered Obama’s ass allowing the lie to go undiscovered until after the November 2012 election.  It was also CBS who refused to allow Sharyl Attkisson to continue investigative reporting on the Benghazi story.

Here’s the current presentation of the Elijah Cummings report by CBS: (more…)

Why Hillary’s Upcoming Congressional Testimony is a Total Farce, a Charade To Shield Congress…

Hillary Clinton is scheduled to appear before congress and testify before the House Select Committee on Benghazi this week.  Everything about this hearing is a total sham.

♦ When we first completed the 11,000 word research paper in 2013 called “The Benghazi Brief”, and against a considerable backlash, we shared an unfortunate reality/prediction.  Nothing about what led up to the attack would ever be discussed in public.

♦ In August of 2014, upon completion of the updated Benghazi Brief, we stated that Congressman Trey Gowdy would never be allowed to publicly divulge the back-story of what led to the September 11th, 2012, attacks.

Prepare yourselves for profound disappointment next week, because nothing about either of these two statements has changed.  Nothing has transpired over the past two plus years to change anything – They have built a Potemkin Village, that must be maintained at all costs.

obama and hillary

THE PUBLIC AIRING OF WHAT TOOK PLACE BETWEEN February 2011 and September 2012 will never happen because the risk(s) do not solely attach to Hillary Clinton, The White House, The State Department or the CIA.  The risk attaches to Republicans and Democrats alike who authorized the covert joint State Dept./CIA mission.

President Obama authorized two Presidential Finding Memos granting the State Department and CIA joint authorization for engagement in Libya and later in Syria.  The Congressional Gang of Eight held oversight for both operations: (more…)

FBI Frustrations – President Obama Trying To Influence National Security Investigation of Hillary Clinton…

obama-hillary-holding-hands-wh-photoWASHINGTON — Federal agents were still cataloging the classified information from Hillary Rodham Clinton’s personal email server last week when President Obama went on television and played down the matter.

“I don’t think it posed a national security problem,” Mr. Obama said Sunday on CBS’s “60 Minutes.” He said it was a mistake for Mrs. Clinton to use a private email account when she was secretary of state, but his conclusion was unmistakable: “This is not a situation in which America’s national security was endangered.”

Those statements angered F.B.I. agents who have been working for months to determine whether Ms. Clinton’s email setup had in fact put any of the nation’s secrets at risk, according to current and former law enforcement officials. (more…)

Rut Roh – Hillary Clinton Lied and New Email Revelations Prove It…

There are a few different versions of various Clinton email scandals surfacing today within the Friday news dump. 
Biden and Hillary
Here’s the first:
(Via Reuters) The U.S. Defense Department has found an email chain that Hillary Clinton did not give to the State Department, the State Department said on Friday, despite her saying she had provided all work emails from her time as secretary of state.
The correspondence with General David Petraeus, who was commander of U.S. Central Command at the time, started shortly before she entered office and continued during her first days as the top U.S. diplomat in January and February of 2009.
The Defense Department provided the emails to the State Department in “the last several days,” State Department spokesman John Kirby said in a statement. (more…)