
Why Read the Benghazi Brief? Thoughts From The Author, Me…

The Benghazi Brief is easily the most painstaking undertaking I ever endeavored to research, accept and eventually write.  It was not a comfortable assembly.

benghazi 1

The Brief was written almost two years ago:

  • It was written well before Mike Rogers and Charles Ruppersberger produced their self-serving, pre-retirement, diversionary distraction/report.
  • It was written before the House Select Committee on Benghazi was even created, let alone produced their final report.
  • The brief was written before the Fox report “13 hours in Benghazi” was presented by Brett Baier.
  • It was written long before the Hollywood movie around the night of the Benghazi attack, “13 Hours – The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi” was produced…

…. and not a single aspect to those, or any subsequent revelation, has ever compromised or run counter to the information contained with the Brief.

To the contrary, every report, every leak, every WikiLeak detail, every statement, every interview, every FIOA discovery and every factual detail pried from the clutches of the political establishment has done nothing except to validate the construct of the original research outline.

So why does that matter?


Breaking: House Select Committee On Benghazi Scheduled To Release Report Today…

According to CNN and DC source media the House Select Committee on Benghazi is scheduled to release their 802 page narrative report outlining the events surrounding the Sept. 11th/12th 2012 Benghazi Libya attack, later today.  CNN has reviewed a “portion” of the initial 200 pages – outlined here.
The official release is reported to be a “narrative report“, focusing only on the facts leading up to, during, and after the attack itself.  The final committee report is not anticipated to draw any conclusions of fault – just a detailed and lengthy summary of facts.
The website for the House Select Committee is HERE – and the report will most likely be uploaded to THIS LINK later this morning.

Select Benghazi Committee Receives 1,100 Pages of Staffer Documents…

Having spent the larger amount of two years digging through innocuous reports, FOIA documents, and media reports (mostly foreign), the Gowdy announcement today is more than a little bit disingenuous.
We’ve previously predicted, long before the select committee was announced, that the Benghazi investigation would amount to all hat and no cattle.
obama-hillary-holding-hands-wh-photoThe reasoning is very simple:
Both sides of the UniParty were charged with intelligence oversight of the joint CIA/State Department operations in Libya (2011) and Syria (2012) through the Congressional Intelligence Gang-of-Eight.
At the time the “Intelligence Gang-of-Eight” was:

♦ Speaker – John Boehner, ♦ Minority Leader – Nancy Pelosi; ♦ House Permanent Select Committee on Intel Chairman – Mike Rogers, and his ♦ Democrat counterpart Charles Ruppersberger; ♦ Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, and ♦ Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid; along with ♦ Senate Intel Chair Diane Feinstein and her ♦ Republican counterpart, Saxby Chambliss.

Together with Hillary Clinton and President Obama the “Gang-of-Eight” was duplicitous in everything that took place.  Therefore there is no independent motive for the Gowdy committee to find any responsibility – the entire investigation is for public appearances only.
Further evidence therein can be found in this latest press releaseNote the specific wording and the specific emphasis we provide(more…)

Hellfire Missiles Bound For Portland Oregon Intercepted in Europe…

♦ Corrupt progressive union officials control the ports and transit hubs of Oregon.  ♦ This is the same type of missile recently admitted as being “accidentally” shipped to Cuba.  ♦ In a little discussed 2014 article, the Obama administration announced they were sending 5,000 of these missiles to Iraq.  ♦ Is it possible these sketchy transfers are lining up to be a similar problem evidenced in Operation Zero Footprint?

hellfire-missilesBELGRADE, Serbia (AP) – Serbia’s authorities are investigating reports that a cargo package bound for the U.S. containing two missiles with explosive warheads was found on a passenger flight from Lebanon to Serbia.

N1 television said the package with two guided armor-piercing missiles was discovered Saturday by a sniffer dog after an Air Serbia flight from Beirut landed at Belgrade airport.

Serbian media say documents listed the final destination for the AGM-114 Hellfire missiles as Portland, Oregon. The American-made projectiles can be fired from air, sea or ground platforms. (more…)

U.K Releases Phone Transcript Between Tony Blair and Muamar Gaddafi – February 25th 2011…

Former U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair previously gave testimony to an investigative panel of Parliament regarding the decision-making in/around the 2011 overthrow of Libyan leader Muamar Gaddafi.  Blair was acting as an intermediary trying to resolve the crisis.  As a result of that testimony a transcript of a February 25th, 2011, phone call has also been released.

blair kaddaffi

It is important to remember on the date of this phone call, the U.S. decision to intervene in Libya was very much undecided.   U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was working with French President Nicolas Sarkozy and U.K Prime Minister David Cameron.

President Obama was specifically, and at the time, notoriously, absent from publicly commenting one-way or the other.  Pressure was building on the White House to weigh in on the Libyan issue.  The interventionist activity was the original construct of Secretary Hillary Clinton, U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, and Senior White House adviser Samantha Powers. (more…)

Finally – Leon Panetta To Appear in Closed-Door Session With Benghazi Committee…

Nothing will come of it, but it is still interesting to point out that for the first time EVER former CIA Director Leon Panetta will give testimony to congress about Libya.

It is important to note that Panetta and Hillary Clinton worked together on Operation Zero Footprint, the covert weapons running and regime change operation which began in March 2011 as a result of President Obama authorizing via presidential “finding memo“.

Hillary Rodham Clinton, Leon Panetta

Clinton and Panetta worked closely together during their Libyan intervention and overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi.   ~See The Benghazi Brief~

After Panetta left the CIA, General Petraeus took over and was ‘technically‘ in charge of the CIA on the night of the Benghazi attack 9/11/12.   However, Petraeus was removed from testifying before congress by the affair with Paula Broadwell which led to his resignation.  Mike Morell took over as interim CIA chief two days before the testimony.  (more…)

Documents Reveal Origin of Benghazi Attack…

When we wrote the Benghazi Brief we walked through almost two years of research data from February 2011 through September 2012.   The brief describes the who’s, what’s, where, when and why of everything up to 9/11/12.


However, we did not have the specific “why” of the actual attack itself.   Recent document releases fill in that aspect:


Benghazi Select Committee Hearing #4 – “Hillary Clinton Testimony” – Open Discussion Thread (Live Stream)

Morning Session

At 10:00am Eastern Time the House Select Committee on Benghazi will hold Hearing #4 – “The Testimony of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton”. (advisory)

The hearing is scheduled to begin at 10:00am and may run until 6:00pm depending on depth of questioning. Here is a live Stream Link:

Hillary Clinton hearing

Benghazi Compound Documents Show Hillary Clinton State Department Approving U.S. Weapons Shipments To Libya in 2011…

WASHINGTON DC – The State Department initially approved a weapons shipment from a California company to Libyans seeking to oust Moammar Gadhafi in 2011 even though a United Nations arms ban was in place, according to memos recovered from the burned-out compound in Benghazi.

Abdel Jalil and the Libyan National Transitional CouncilMustafa-Abdel-Jalil-POTUS

The documents, obtained by The Washington Times, show U.S. diplomats at the Benghazi compound were keeping track of several potential U.S.-sanctioned shipments to allies, one or more of which were destined for the Transitional National Council, the Libyan movement that was seeking to oust Gadhafi and form a new government. (more…)

On Benghazi Intelligence Briefing – Speaker John Boehner: “I don’t recall”… (Important Video)

 ~ Must Watch Video Below ~

“I don’t recall” – In a world where journalists were in-tune with events and stories, and in a world where journalists were driven to tell the truth behind events, those three words from Speaker of the House John Boehner would have caused every DC reporter to grab their steno pads and head immediately to his offices.

Alas, few people beyond the inhabitants of the “new media world” (internet) have an understanding of how consequential those three intentionally obtuse words actually are.

“I don’t recall”…

Boehner and Pelosi KissThose words are massive when contrast against a March 2011 President Obama finding memo which authorized a covert State Dept./CIA operation in Libya.  That operation ultimately culminated 18 months later in the Benghazi attack, Sept. 11th 2012.

Speaker of the House John Boehner is, as a consequence of his position, a member of what’s called the “Intelligence Gang of Eight”.  The finding memo would begin a process where then CIA head, Leon Panetta, would have briefed the “Gang of Eight” because specific congressional leadership would have the automatic position of oversight for the operation.

Key word “OVERSIGHT” !

In 2011 the Congressional Gang of Eight was: (more…)