
AWKWARD – Susan Rice Gets Selected To Tell AIPAC The ‘Hard Sell’ – That Obama Administration Is Acquiescing To Iran

Earlier today Samantha Power was designated to play the role of ‘good cop’, and make the case, albeit difficult given her life’s work to undermine Israel, that President Obama and the current U.S. administration support Israel.

However, later this evening Susan Rice was designated to play the role of ‘bad cop’, and tell the AIPAC audience that despite their desires and wishes the Obama administration is going to allow Iran to have nuclear capabilities.

As part of her attempt to explain, Rice stated:

“I know some of you would be urging congress to insist that Iran forgo it’s domestic enrichment capacity, entirely”

AWKWARD – the audience then erupts in uncomfortable applause to express their affirmation of that principle – yes, exactly!

Yet, Rice had to deliver the bad news…..  in the opinion of her boss, President Obama, “it is not achievable” !

The awkwardness continues as Susan Rice says:  (more…)

Pigs Fly – No, Really, Pigs Fly – Well, Almost…

Sheesh.  A woman brought a 70 lb “emotional support animal”, a pig, on board an American Airlines flight.

pigs fly

[…] Jonathan Skolnik, a professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and a passenger on the flight, told ABC News today he thought the woman with the pig was carrying a duffel bag when she got on the plane and headed straight for the empty seat next to him.

“But it turns out it wasn’t a duffel bag. We could smell it and it was a pig on a leash,” he said. “She tethered it to the arm rest next to me and started to deal with her stuff, but the pig was walking back and forth.”

“I was terrified, because I was thinking I’m gonna be on the plane with the pig,” (read what happened)


One Big Ass Coincidence – Or Is It ?

About a week or so ago, Dear WeeWeed noticed a few reports of animals acting strangely in Yellow Stone National Park. Those reports included sightings of massive herds of the Parks’ Bison coming down quickly from the Grand Teton Mountain range and surrounding foothills.


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Now Get A Load Of This Today:


Creepy, Really Creepy – Senator Chuck Schumer Sleeps With Life Sized Barack Obama Cardboard Cutout ?

Good grief. Initially I thought this was a spoof, it’s not. While you are looking at the video of the DC house where Dick Duban and Chuck Schumer live, which is beyond creepy alone…… Check out what Chuck Schumer sleeps with (@1:45 mark)
[cnnvideo url=’https://edition.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2013/11/26/dnt-bash-senate-alpha-house.cnn’ inline=’true’]
And these guys make decisions every day which have real and substantive impact on your life.

Justice For The Janczewski's – Their Son Repeatedly Raped For Years By Middle School Teacher, Neal Erickson, Who Was President of The Michigan Teacher's Union and Even Now Supported By The Teachers….

This is a story that SCREAMS for attention.   In Michigan a family has been, and continues to be, brutalized by a systemic rot within the school system.   A rot that perpetrates, and unbelievably as it sounds, excuses CHILD RAPE – despite the community outrage.
This just came onto our radar screen.   However, a cursory review shows this storyline has a similar disposition to the Penn State, Sandusky scandal.    The Janczewski’s son was brutally raped over a period exceeding three years (2006-2009) by his middle school math teacher, Neal Erickson.
Years later, in 2012, an anonymous tipster alerted authorities to video and pictures on Child Porn websites of their son and his teacher engaged in oral sex, and worse.

The story is just horrific, vile and made all the more astounding because there is a community of teachers openly supporting the child rapist.   The repeated rape is not an allegation, it has been proven, Neal Erickson has admitted to it, and he has recently been sent to prison.
However, the rapist has supporters – Open and Public supporters.    Supporters who are teachers themselves and who are actively teaching in the same schools.   Supporters who are angry at the Janczewski family for assisting the authorities in filing charges.   And it gets worse – much worse.   The best identifiable summary of the backstory is available HERE.
Here are some of the issues we have identified as being sidelined by the media so far: (more…)