To quote a Miami-Dade LEO:

…. I don’t want to say much about that, except to say: you damned sure don’t want those CTH folks on your ass”…

Ben kribidbos
Well, if Corey wants to start tearing down or destroying people, just because she is corrupt and unlawful, she’s going to get a supernova of sunlight. And we’ll start with the managing director of the State Attorney’s Office. Ms. Cheryl Peek. The corrupt crony.

[…] The letter contended Kruibos did a poor job overseeing the information technology department, violated public records law for retaining documents, and noted he was questioned in March when the office was trying to determine who had leaked personnel information obtained through a computer breach.

In an interview Friday, Kruidbos denied the allegations in the letter, which was written by Cheryl Peek, the managing director of the State Attorney’s Office.

He said he had acted in good faith about “genuine concerns.” He said he had been proud to work at the State Attorney’s Office and feared the letter would cripple his chances at finding another job to support his family, including a 4-month-old son. (link)

Ms. Cheryl Peek was forced out of the State’s Attorneys office 20 years ago for her role in corruption tactics similar to what has been seen in the Zimmerman Trial.  In 1990 She engaged in “profiling”, illegal state manipulation, of a Grand Jury Pool: (more…)