
Ben Kruidbos Requests FL Gov Rick Scott Appoint Independent Investigator For Jacksonville State Attorney Office Investigation

Ben kribidbosPam Bondi - Rick Scott Flag
Smart move by Ben Kruidbos and his attorney Wes White.   It was Rick Scott’s appointment of Special Prosecutor Angela Corey that started the fiasco in the first place.  Kruidbos/White now reach out to Scott for relief based on consequences of that appointment:
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Ben Kruidbos Fires Back – Files A Cause of Action $5 Million Wrongful Termination Lawsuit Against Angela Corey and State Attorney Office

The complaint was filed today in Duval County:
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Here is the full backstory (more…)

Involuntary Racism !

TUGBOAT(Via Peoples Cube)   The Department of Social Justice is contemplating several charges against the racist George Zimmerman for his cold-blooded murder of the post-infant and minority representative Trayvon Martin.Evidence compiled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation of Citizens has found Zimmerman to be guilty of at least several major civil rights-related crimes.
Having found no sign of racism in Zimmerman’s background, prosecutors plan to file charges of Involuntary Racism in the Commission of a Hate Crime, punishable by up to 20 years of labor in a correctional facility. Party officials believe this is the most appropriate charge based on the FBIC’s report. (more…)

Flush Twice It's A Long Way To The Atlantic – J. Willie Demands The Flushing….

Apparently the comfy relationship between Jacksonville SAO head Angela Corey and the local civil rights activists, who proclaimed her magnanimity during the trial of George Zimmerman, are back to pre-Christian Fernandez levels.
This ‘some are more equal than others’ approach, is getting confusing.  However, we cannot, in good faith or conscience, allow Angela Corey to be drawn and quartered just yet. I’ll explain after the recent article.
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – The Florida Civil Rights Association has issued a letter to Gov. Rick Scott requesting for State Attorney Angela Corey be removed, and that a special prosecutor be appointed in the shooting death of Jordan Davis on November 23, 2012.
The two page letter to Governor Scott states that a new Special Prosecutor is needed to “suppress racial tension created in the failed prosecution by Corey and her staff that led to a not guilty verdict in the George Zimmerman murder trial of Trayvon Martin.” (more…)

Richard Conner – The "Expert" Who Panicked Nelson – Worth Re-Watching His Testimony….

During the late night trial proffer hearing it became obvious Judge Nelson wanted Richard Conner’s testimony kicked out of her trial. And she did. But using the “francining names” placed into trial records by Don West late that night we begin to find the unknown backstory.
From those names we made a remarkable discovery. Unbelievably, it appears Trayvon’s Dad, Tracy, was actually one of the people talking to Trayvon about buying and selling a handgun. Considering the “conversation was mysteriously deleted” this appears to be a big effen’ deal. WOW. [ *Sidenote* We could also use help with crowdsourcing on these]:

Communications about GUNS [24:22 on video]

  • Ronquavis “Qua” Fulton
  • Spoonhead Zach
  • Jay
  • Ron
  • Dario
  • Diamond (probably Rachel Jeantel) But not about buying

And THEN the THUNDERCLAP name [@25:15]


fruit 2
WOW – as in Tracy Martin’s nickname is “Fruit“. Yes, you are reading that correctly – Trayvon Martin’s Dad’s nickname is “fruit“. (more…)

If You Are Hungry, Don't Feed The Fish…

John Guy and Bernie De La Rionda 2Research, absent of agenda, is quite interesting.   You  never know what you don’t know.
When someone else knows what you don’t know, yet knows you are seeking to find out what they know, it can be challenging to share.
Especially when what they don’t know you know, is as important as what they do know you know. Such is the discussion consideration when you know what they know, but they don’t know that you know what they know.
Early on in the background research of the George Zimmerman case, Bernie De La Rionda thought he knew what we know he knew. But he could never discover what we know he did not know we knew. (more…)

Ben Kruidbos Will File Whistleblower Lawsuit – Sue Jacksonville SAO

(Reuters) – A former employee of Florida State Attorney Angela Corey’s office plans to file a whistleblower lawsuit against George Zimmerman’s prosecutors, his attorney [Wes White] told Reuters on Tuesday.
Ben kribidbos
The action will put pressure on Corey, who already faces criticism from some legal experts for the unsuccessful prosecution of the case, which led to the acquittal of Zimmerman for shooting unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman’s defense has also called for sanctions against her and her prosecution team.
Ben Kruidbos, Corey’s former director of information technology, was fired after testifying at a pre-trial hearing on June 6 that prosecutors failed to turn over potentially embarrassing evidence extracted from Martin’s cell phone to the defense, as required by evidence-sharing laws. (more…)

How do you solve a problem like Kru-id-bos ?

The number of people throughout this nation who can understand exactly what the issues are within this video would not fill a standard college lecture hall. Lucky for us, they are all reading this site. So y’all are in very good company.

It has been several months since this took place. And it might be a good time to refresh your memory, because its going to be with us for a while.
The Brady violations in State discovery are a big deal not only for George Zimmerman, but also for Ben Kruidbos, who has been fired from his job for speaking up about the hiding of, and manipulation of, evidence in the case. (more…)

Giddy Up ! Ben Kruidbos Lawyer, Wes White, Fires Shot at Angela Corey and Bernie De La Rionda

Pucker up – Here we go. Smoke em’ fast and fix bayonets, because we are fixin’ to join Team Ben full-on Wolverine against the SAO in Jacksonville Florida. Ben’s attorney, former State Prosecutor, Wes White, fires a flare shot based on last nights HLN interview.
Wes White

Ms. Corey:

You and Mr. de la Rionda have violated your oaths of office and denigrated the very Constitution you swore to uphold and defend. You have assailed and undermined both the right to trial by jury and the finality and dignity associated with a jury verdict.

For you to label George Zimmerman, an acquitted defendant, as a “murderer” at this juncture is reprehensible and irresponsible, can only breed contempt for our system of justice and the rule of law, and may very well lead to civil unrest. For Mr. de la Rionda, to suggest that exercising one’s 5th Amendment privilege lacks courage (by not testifying as a defendant in a criminal trial) belittles and demeans a sacred constitutional right.

It is time for you both to step down before you further embarass the Bar and the people of the 4th Circuit, and before you are removed from office.

Wes White


Bernie De La Rionda and Angela Corey (HLN Interview)

Wow, there are not enough negative adjectives to describe what is taking place in this interview. However, I believe Angela Corey opens herself to liable at the end of it, where she describes George Zimmerman as a murderer, post acquittal.