There is a strange dynamic with professionally political punditry and political media where they project claims that are the exact opposite of the reality. Often this is done simply to try and sway public opinion on an issue, to change and/or control the perception of the public, and sometimes it is successful.

Highlighting this false projection, a common refrain against President Trump has been that he limits the scale of support possible for Republican candidates. In reality, the exact opposite is true and evident in the data. It is President Trump who holds more public support than any Republican candidate, and they all ride his coattails.

When you really think about this dynamic, it centers the Machiavellian attacks against Trump by small professionally Republican pundits and candidates. Take the recent example of battleground state Pennsylvania as an example:


[Source Data]

President Trump is beating Joe Biden in this battleground state poll by 6 points.  However, the Republican Senate candidate, Dave McCormick, is running 7 points behind the Democrat Bob Casey.   The combined margin of difference is 13 points, or put another way – Trump pulls more support within the state than the Republican Party.

The Pennsylvania reality shows the scale of how much the Republican Party is now the party of Donald Trump.  The dynamic makes sense, because the overwhelming majority of middle class average Americans align with the policy agenda simply known as “America First.”

The distance between the Trump support base and the support base of the overall Republican Party is considerable.  Thus, if we can remove the larger influence of the corporate Republican apparatus from the RNC and party apparatus, the ranks of the new Trump era Republican Party will grow.

A new larger tent brand of Republican exists in the MAGAnomic policy, the economic policy of Trump that expands the wealth of the average American.   Thanks to the MAGA influence, the RNC/GOPe party of old crony capitalists and vulture hedge fund owners is diminishing rapidly.  The Wall Street tribe now assembles with the Democrats and the Main Street tribe now assembles with Trump republicanism.

That’s the dynamic we also see in the latest polling from Maine. Statewide, Donald Trump now leads Joe Biden by six points [Trump: 38% (+6), Biden: 32%], where only a few short months ago Biden was leading by one. The congressional districts highlight the changing electoral dynamic:

Biden: 39% (+8)
Trump: 31%
Other: 23%

Trump: 45% (+20)
Biden: 25%
Other: 19%


Why the big shift?   It’s the economic issues.  Look at the priorities:
