It’s been a while since we had a genuine Treehouse challenge. So, today I stumbled upon an excellent opportunity for each Treeper to test their mental stamina, and the contest has benefits.

Yesterday Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was asked on Fox News, essentially, why he could not relate to people [video segment below fold]. Ron responded by saying, essentially, ‘hey, who cares, did you see how much money we’re raising‘. People immediately started being snarky and discussing it. However, the real answer can be found in this Treehouse challenge below.

Here’s the rules: (1) Watch the video below which is prompted to start at 2:14. (2) You cannot walk away for a break, you cannot pause the video, you must sit and watch it without the assistance of alcohol, medication or any other cognitive numbing substance. (3) How long were you able to watch the video? (4) Everything is on the honor system. (5) Respond in the comments with your honest answer of how long you were able to watch. (6) Whoever lasts the longest is the winner.

Turn off any other distractions. Get yourself mentally prepared. Ready?

Okay. WATCH:

Be honest.

How many seconds did you last before you just couldn’t take it any longer?

Respond with your honest assessment of your stamina in the comments.


Here was Ron DeSantis being asked why he cannot relate to people.


