Of course, he is.ย  President Trump is not only running against the Democrat candidate in 2024, likely Newsom, but he’s also running against the Republican establishment candidate in 2024, most certainly DeSantis.

As such, President Donald Trump is noting the same strategic plays that we are.ย  Fortunately, he’s keeping an eye on how the Republican Governor’s Association (RGA) is intending to execute their anti-MAGA moves against the base working class voters. [Trump Truth]

[Background Article]

Again, for emphasis, despite accusations and ridiculously unfounded assertions, I have no affiliation or contact with anyone in/around the campaign.ย  However, as with the prior election(s) in ’08 (McCain), ’12 (Romney), ’16 (Jeb!), and 2020 (Biden), the Republican establishment roadmap is complex in a Machiavellian way, yet easy to spot if you know their objective. [Prior Resource Article on RGA ‘2022 Background Moves Here]

It is affirming to see that President Trump is watching these same tripwires as they are triggered.

As soon as Ron DeSantis makes his ’24 announcement (likely May, June or July – but he will be the last to enter), it will be the RGA who trigger the first wave of attacks against the MAGA base of voters.ย  Together with the controlled GOPe field, they will trigger a sequential process for Republican governors to align with DeSantis.

Ahead of the DeSantis announcement, those who are aligned with the playbook will start to come in next, beginning with Nikki Haley on February 15th.ย  Each will have a billionaire donor class financier assigned to their specific SuperPAC support system.ย  ย I would expect Chris Sununu to quickly follow Haley.

(National Rifle) […] The Republican Governors Association (RGA) donated almost $21 million to the Friends of Ron DeSantis PAC, a massive war chest that politicos believe the Florida Governor will use to take on Trump in 2024, with the backing of the GOP establishment.

Over the year and a half that the RGA was dumping millions into the Friends of Ron DeSantis PAC, they gave zero dollars to Doug Mastriano, the Trump-endorsed Republican nominee for Governor of Pennsylvania, effectively surrendering the pivotal state to Democrats. (more)

I also suspect, nothing but a hunch based on research, that Kristi Noem may have rejected the early entreaties from the professional Republicans who are coordinating the roadmap.ย  If she didn’t reject something, the DeSantis crew would not be attacking her so hard.ย  If my hunch is correct, this position could make Noem a wildcard.
