Several people, some very influential people, have written or made contact asking permission to extract the Four-Part series I wrote, updated and posted yesterday. A few want to put the articles into a published format of some sort.  My response, go for it.

Everything I research, write and share is free for the taking.

Download it into a pdf form, modify the internal citations as footnotes, proofread, add, subtract, modify it, change the language, simplify it, do whatever you want to make it your own in whatever format suits your needs. No attribution or citation is needed.

This is a battle to save our nation from a corrupt enterprise. I put no parameters on any tool or intellectual weapon you may find of benefit. That just isn’t me.  Those who have been around a while know where I stand…. which is right next to anyone who is in the fight.  Getting the message out is the urgent and important part; how it arrives, is of no issue for me.

We are not on a last hill; we are far beyond that.  We are on the precipice.

It would be intensely against the very core intent of the Treehouse spirit to me to put limits on any intellectual armament that might help.

Love to all and abundant appreciation for most,


ps. Just for my own necessary reference, how many Treepers remember the password for “password protected” posts?

We might need them again…

