Gallup has conducted a survey of American confidence in several institutions [DATA HERE].  Overall confidence in institutions has dropped significantly in the last year, which is not a surprise given the turmoil now seemingly all around us.

The survey measures and compares American confidence from 2021 to 2022.  It is worth noting, confidence in the office of the presidency is the #1 drop in the survey.

GALLUP – “This year’s poll marks new lows in confidence for all three branches of the federal government — the Supreme Court (25%), the presidency (23%) and Congress. Five other institutions are at their lowest points in at least three decades of measurement, including the church or organized religion (31%), newspapers (16%), the criminal justice system (14%), big business (14%) and the police.” (link)

This survey reflects and increasingly dangerous position for government and institutions of society.  We are a nation, a representative republic, that is held together with a common understanding of basic adherence to values, principles and lawfulness.

Take away confidence, and what this survey really starts to outline is institutions losing legitimacy in the eyes of We The People.  Dangerous things can happen when unease and distrust exist.

There is a solid argument to be made that Joe Biden was specifically selected by the radicals, because he is easily manipulated to anger by the elements around him.

Saul Alinsky taught the Obama-era radicals that fundamental change required chaos.

Chaos creates instability, which can then be used to promote their shift.  The outcome of the shift is a lack of social cohesion.  The absence of cohesion is directly related to the lack of confidence in the institutions.
