Several DC-centric media people are indicating that Joe Biden is scheduled to announce his replacement for Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer on Friday.  The timing would make sense as the nominee would attend next Tuesday’s state of the union speech.

Additionally, as to the timing and likelihood of selection, Mr. Objectib Ebidense weighed in yesterday [SEE HERE] with his recommendation, which not coincidentally lines up with our March 2021 prediction of why the people behind Obama told Biden to pick Garland as Attorney General.

Mr. Objectib Ebidense giving the nod means the AME network has been informed and Democrat James Clyburn together with Barack Obama has positioned the nominee exactly as we would expect.  Everything now is just a matter of execution of the plan from years past.

[The Map Was Laid Out in January 2021]

Everything going all the way back to specifically selected Garland for AG was done with this plan in mind.

There is a possibility it might not be KBJ.  However, with Mr. Objectib Ebidense in the picture yesterday, the alignment of Clyburn and the AME network, along with KBJ being the Obama favorite, AND with KBJ’s brother-in-law being former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (which gives her the nod from the Senate DeceptiCon class), the likelihood of the nominee not being KBJ diminishes.

There’s also the 10-year anniversary of Trayvon Martin for the cherry on the narrative cake.

If the beltway insiders are correct, we should know today.
