Tucker Carlson used his segment on the Canadian Freedom Protests Friday night to emphasize a point we have made for many years.  The government need to control the truckers in Canada is a reaction to fear.

The administration of Justin Trudeau and also Joe Biden are fearful of the working class people the truckers represent.  Those who consider themselves elite are the few, we are the many. Those who live atop society, in politics or positions of influence and affluence, are becoming increasingly fearful.

Recent references are not limited to COVID lockdowns and arbitrary totalitarian rules put into place.  The way the government responded to the “yellow vest” movement in France; or the U.K. government efforts to fight Brexit; or the U.S. government response to Donald Trump’s election; these are all examples of those holding power being fearful of the us – a free people.   The elites are fearful, and they will lose.  WATCH:
