To say the last 24 hours have been historic could most certainly be an understatement.  However, we can be certain a wounded global media will put every possible liberal, progressive, multicultural and socialist voice onto television and into print to push back against the visible rise of a growing nationalist sentiment.
What has happened with the U.K. referendum is going to send reverberations around the globe; but this outcome should not come as a complete surprise to most CTH readers. What happened in Great Britain is the visible rise of their national Monster Vote.
People from across political parties, conservative (Tory) and democrat (Labour), joined together to unite against the institutional political systems (EU) who construct the rules of their lives without the consent of the governed. 
When you recognize the bipartisan nature of the Brexit coalition, you remove the political shroud and begin to get down to brass tacks.
obama cameronThis same structural defect, born of self-centered political Oligarchs, exists in the U.S. political system and we call it the UniParty.
Progressive leaders from both Democrat and Republican parties working in concert to deliver the legislative priorities of the group who funds them, Wall Street.
The representative image of the sentiment behind the U.K. LEAVE campaign exists in the United States in the presidential candidate Donald Trump.  Trump supporters are essentially anti-globalists, much like the U.K. nationalists were/are anti-European Union.
Almost identical issues confront both electorates: Trade, Immigration, and the demand for a representative political voice that looks out for their best interest.  The EU is essentially a bureaucratic open-border political system, where they consider themselves the enlightened ones – and the citizenry of the various EU nations represent pawns to be governed by the elitists’ magnanimity.
You can just as easily transpose the mind-set within Brussels as an overlay of the same disconnected political outlook seen in Washington DC.  Two bureaucracies governing despite the will of the electorate, not on their behalf.
And make no mistake in the analogy, the overarching globalist views of the political elites within the EU and within Washington DC are essentially the same.
campaign cartoonThe uprising against this political outlook cuts across both parties in the U.S. just like it did within the U.K.
Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump supporters have a commonality in the identification of the problem, the divergence is within the solution. When this aspect is understood, we begin to see the possibility of, and attraction to, cross-party voters who support Donald Trump.
It’s the system, the institutional political system, that is fundamentally flawed.
Almost no-one within the system has the capability to deconstruct the problems because they are systemic and structural.   This structural issue is easily represented by the opposition to Donald Trump found within both the Democrat and Republican parties.  This structural issue is what also binds the largest potential voting block, the Monster Vote.
Against the overwhelming scope of the unified affiliation, the progressive media are forced to work overtime in their attempts to prop-up the corporate interests attached to the political body.  This is why the media predictions are also disconnected from the outcomes.
soros clintonIn an effort to retain relevance, the mainstream corporate media is forced to “gaslight” their audience with increasingly transparent falsehoods, manipulation, willful blindness and intentional deception.  However, there are ongoing signs surfacing which show the scope of the American common sense electorate.
There simply are more of us than them and there’s only so much the media can continue to do to try and hide that reality.  In addition we are tuned in to the schemes and techniques used to manufacture the Potemkin village they seek to build around us.
Often people ask what they can do to help further the awakening electorate.  One of the most important activities is to learn to spot the gaslighting efforts, spot the deception, and then teach your friends and family if they fall victim.
If we are going to defeat the Globalists we must give our team the tools to see through media propaganda. Simultaneously, we must make a conscious effort to keep a positive outlook and boost the morale of those around us.

….In short, we must train minds and support hearts.

trump liontrump im with you
