It’s CNN, and they’re quoting “city officials” so take it with a grain of salt.  The last time CNN proclaimed this type of exclusive insider information it was about the Police Chief resigning, with similarly described sources, and that was a SERIOUSLY WRONG claim.
wilson 1CNN is reporting if Darren Wilson is cleared by non-indictment, or no true bill, he will resign from the force.
Ferguson, Missouri (CNN) — Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson, who shot and killed teenager Michael Brown on August 9, is in the final stages of negotiations with city officials to resign, according to people close to the talks.

Wilson maintains he hasn’t done anything wrong, and the resignation talks have hinged on whether a grand jury returns an indictment against him in the death of Brown, people close to the talks said.

Wilson has told associates he would resign as a way to help ease pressure and protect his fellow officers. Wilson has expressed concern about resigning while the grand jury was hearing evidence for fear it would appear he was admitting fault.

Wilson could announce as soon as Friday his plans to resign, the same day a St. Louis County grand jury meets to deliberate and possibly decide on an indictment.

The talks could still collapse, these people said. Wilson doesn’t know what the grand jury will do and if they return charges he could change his mind.  (read more)

saint louis police line

In addition it looks like the Ferguson PD just discovered how the shadowy DOJ Community Relations Service works.   In this article some of the police department family members are describing DOJ “Federal Officials” who absolutely fit the profile of the CRS.

holder,%20sharpton%20%20ap_0FERGUSON, MO (KTVI)– Department of Justice representatives have come to Ferguson in the wake of Michael Brown’s death. They’re making strong demands they don’t appear to follow themselves.

Activists often complain about officers without name tags. Department of Justice representative Christy Lopez jumped on the issue in a recent public meeting saying, “That’s a problem.  We need to fix that.”  A police wife told us that officers agree they should not be anonymous, but said they`ve lately faced extreme circumstances that have caused some to remove their name tags at times.
The police wife said officers have been, “screamed at by protestors, “we`re going to go to your house. We`re going to rape your wives then we`re going to kill them and we`re going to kill your children” and this is being screamed at them in the presence of Department of Justice agents.”
Those agents said a name tag is non-negotiable, regardless of the threat.
At a public meeting Christy Lopez said, “Especially when it`s tense.”
The police wife said DOJ agents are “not there to guide, they`re there to harm.”
She says a DOJ rep. criticized an officer who said he was afraid for his family.  The police wife explained, “The person was told, by the Department of Justice agent, if they`re afraid of the citizens of Ferguson, they shouldn`t be police.”
Yet Federal Agents appeared to be afraid when they called Ferguson police for help. An incident report, obtained by Fox 2, reveals a series of tense moments on September 25th. DOJ was meeting inside a business when a 911 call revealed subjects “stopping at (that business).” Then another 911 call describes “DOJ inside coffee house, requesting escort out of building.”
[…] Reporter Chris Hayes asked the police wife, “Who are these guys (with the DOJ)?”
The police wife responded, “We don`t know.”
Ferguson officers are reportedly asking for names of DOJ reps and not getting them. They only know names of a couple, who said their names in public meetings – like Christy Lopez and a man who identified himself as a former police chief Mike Davis.
So I asked for a list of names, last Thursday. A DOJ spokesperson in Washington D.C. said, “I will have to check to see if that information is publicly available.” Yesterday, I asked again and I also asked for a response to the specific allegations you heard in this report.  The spokesman responded, “Do you know the name of the (Ferguson officer) who sent the letter?” and “Can you tell me more about your story?”  (read more)
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