(American Thinker – Catharine Evans)  On  September 12, Miami-Dade police arrested a 17-year-old black teenager, Jamal  Jackson, for the August 21 execution-style murder (see shocking video)  of Hispanic-American Miguel Pilotos.
Rod Vereen and Jesse Jackson
The  black-on-Hispanic killing in Opa-Locka, Florida didn’t get much press when it  happened.  Only after the suspect was arrested three weeks later did  various news outlets release more details of the crime.
Within  those reports a familiar name appeared: Rod Vereen.
Vereen  was Trayvon Martin’s pal Rachel Jeantel’s lawyer in the Seminole County trial of George Zimmerman.   Now he’s representing the Opa-Locka killer.
Seminole  County and Miami-Dade are 225 miles apart geographically, but symbolically, in  the Martin and Pilotos cases, they are practically next-door  neighbors.  (continue reading)

Rod Vereen (left) Tyrone Williams (right)
Rod Vereen (left) Tyrone Williams (right)
