Comments have been closed. In the short time this post has been up I have had to delete a number of them. Good grief, if you don’t want to pray, pass on by. And if you are mad at Franklin Graham, you can’t put that aside long enough to say prayers for people whose lives are in grave danger at this moment?

Some of you need some serious self examination. There are many issues in our lives that should draw us together, and if we are actual, functioning adults, then we should be able to set aside other concerns and focus on a bigger picture. I’m closing comments when what I actually want to do is ban some of you who were really out of line. I consider that my act of self restraint for the day.  There was absolutely no need to be a jerk on a prayer post. I repeat, again, as I have in the past, not everything has to meet with your approval, and if it doesn’t you can ignore it.

From the desk of Franklin Graham…

Thousands of people are desperately trying to escape from Afghanistan after the country’s fall to the Taliban.

With the Taliban blocking access to the airport and all exit routes, this is a life or death situation for Christians and other religious minorities, and all those who worked with or for America over the past two decades.

These Islamic extremists, who have taken Afghanistan by force, have a history of brutality, including beheadings and public executions. Time is short and the need is urgent, and this is why I am calling for a day of prayer on Sunday, August 22.

With the Taliban blocking access to the airport and all exit routes, this is a life-or-death situation for Christians and other religious minorities, and all those who worked with or for America over the past two decades. There is no hope for these people to get out safely—apart from a miracle from the hand of God—and that’s what we need to pray for.

It is a difficult and tragic situation. Will you please join me in praying for God to intervene in a mighty way?


Franklin Graham
