If there was one piece of advice CTH wishes the Trump campaign had taken seriously it was our advice to enlist Catherine Englebrecht in the spring of 2020 and use the expertise of her group, “True The Vote”, to position defenses for the November election.  Alas…

TTV is a national network of patriots that Ms. Catherine Englebrecht spear-headed; this group is a risk to the leftist election schemes.  TTV knows with specific specialty just how to avoid election manipulation and fraud.  As a direct result, now that the 2020 election is past the leftist groups are targeting True The Vote.


A complaint has been lodged [pdf here] with the IRS to revoke the non-profit status of True The Vote.  The complaint is written by the consortium of leftists which includes the always visible Lawfare group members.

Weaponizing the IRS is a familiar tactic.  Ironically, it was Ms. Englebrecht’s targeting by the IRS that initially gained her the public spotlight as she fought back on behalf of the American voters. The IRS was forced to settle a class action lawsuit.

Catherine Englebrecht is a national heroine for her efforts despite the incredible attacks by a fully weaponized government against her family and business interests.  Look up strength, perseverance and wolverine-spirit and you should see a picture of Englebrecht under the definition…. Yes, she is that good….. and that is why she is a risk.

Here’s the complaint: [pdf here and embed below]