Because WITHOUT THIS we would never have THIS:

And Thank You Dan Coats, yet again….
Despite our frustration, things are progressing.

[…]  in a rather unusual way, an elevated urgency in attack formation by the Scheme Team; their UniParty allies in the DC swamp; and their media advocates writ large; might end up pushing Trump toward a position where he decides to unleash the atomic sledgehammer of truth and declassify material that will finally outline the plot publicly.
One thing is sure, Trump won’t quit the fight; I’m not sure they realize that… yet.  So in an odd way, and specifically because there’s an abundant amount of material available for declassification that can highlight the fraud, I find myself happy to see the increased vitriol.   Example: Think about what would happen if Trump took away the redactions from the April 2017 FISA Court Order/Ruling on the 2015/2016 FISA abuse.
As President Trump noted in his interview with Maria Bartiromo recently, his ‘advisers’ have all recommended he stay away from the ongoing congressional battles against current FBI and DOJ officials.   The one thing that can change the geography of that dynamic is if the schemers (being protected by the career officials) begin taking ground.
One thing is sure, amid the timely coordination between Team Mueller and the former officials the desperation is more visible.  And when an increased desperation is visible, that generally means there’s something closer to the surface that needs to be hidden.  (link)

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