The attacks against the Donald Trump candidacy will not stop.  The various constructs of the professional political class, the UniParty, Wall Street, DC, K-Street and the entire apparatus of the corporate media complex have no alternative.
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Donald Trump will always remain as the existential threat to their entire financial and ideological construct.
Those who oppose Donald Trump’s candidacy are holding a no retreat position.  There is no middle ground.  If Hillary Clinton is defeated, all those mentioned entities lose.  There are trillions of dollars at stake.  The entire life’s work of major leftist organizations will be destroyed.  It really is that simple.
If you are waiting for all of those oppositional forces to stop lying, scheming, falsifying, manipulating and gaslighting – stop waiting; they will never cease.  Period.

As each day draws closer to the November 8th election the severity, rabidity and acrimony of those entities will only increase.  The scope of the fraud they are willing to attempt will also increase. All of their means justify their end.  That’s just the way they look at things.
Why do you think the media just don’t care about how exposed their manipulations are?  They are not worried about credibility, they are worried about Hillary Clinton losing.  Toward the media goals they don’t care if over half the country sees them as ridiculous Pravda. Cue the audio/visual demonstration.
Their larger goal is to get Hillary Clinton elected, no matter what.  Corporate media is financially dependent on that outcome, and “journalists” are ideologically dependent on that outcome.  Nothing about that is going to change, ever.
All media psychological tools are approved for use accordingly.  Brazen lying is approved.  Creating alternate reality is approved.  Polling manipulation is approved.  Nothing is out-of-bounds or off limits.  Every means toward their end goal is perfectly ok, and they have nothing to lose.

A year ago we outlined how far they would go and why:


