The professional party apparatus, ie. Team Clinton, just gave the Bernie supporters the biggest F.U. so far in Philadelphia.

Hillary Clinton A pansuit orangeAfter the DNC locked the doors so hundreds of Team Bernie supporters could not get in to attend the rules meeting, and after locking out media during the discussion, an effort to fully eliminate superdelegates in future elections failed.

A delegate for Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders offered an amendment to get rid of superdelegates (party insiders who can vote for the candidate of their choice at the convention).

Sanders supporters accurately identified it was superdelegates who gave Hillary Clinton too much of an advantage in their battle for the Democratic presidential nomination.

However, the party power structure will not allow such efforts.  The amendment was defeated by a rules committee vote of 108-58.  Although it earned enough support to force a floor vote at the convention should Team Bernie do so.

Following the vote, the media was allowed back in to witness, the Rules Committee subsequently voted down several other compromise amendments; including measures: to give superdelegates one-tenth of a vote each, ban lobbyists from being superdelegates, and bar superdelegates from voting on the convention’s first ballot.  They all failed.

This follows on the heels of a disturbing email discovery within the WikiLeaks DNC scandal that shows the attitude of Hillary Clinton Superdelegate, Donna Brazille, toward the Bernie Sanders campaign.

donna brazile 2


Donna Brazile sharing an email with reporters and the DNC back in May:

From: Donna Brazile
Date: 05/13/2016 15:04 (GMT-06:00)
To: Patrice Taylor , Leah Daughtry , “Dacey, Amy” , “Miranda, Luis”
Subject: Fwd: Washington Post inquiry

I have no intentions of touching this.

Why? Because I will cuss out the Sanders camp!

Sent from Donna’s I Pad.
Follow me on twitter @donnabrazile

—— Begin forwarded message:

From: “Phillip, Abby”
Date: May 13, 2016 at 11:51:50 AM PDT
To: “[email protected]
Subject: Washington Post inquiry

Hi Donna,

Do you have a minute to chat today? Wanted to ask you about this fight between the Sanders camp and DNC over adequate representation on the platform committee and others ahead of the convention.

I can be reached on my cell at 857-928-7338.


Abby D. Phillip
National Political Reporter
Washington Post
(Cell) 857-928-7338
Twitter: @abbydphillip

(WikiLeaks Link)

F.U. Bernie Sanders !!

Clinton Kaine 2

Hillary Clinton press we can 2

bernie burned

