The ruling class globalists are in full meltdown mode today across almost every media platform possible.

The U.S. political media is especially insufferable today.  They’re working overtime trotting out every pontificating member of the left-wing cloister to decry the decision of U.K. voters to exit the cosmopolitan superiority of The European Union.
brexit pundits
It is a rather remarkable moment to behold, and the comparative contrasts deserve some emphasis.
• In months past, the political ruling class have waxed philosophically about the working people who don’t have enough money to cover any unanticipated life emergency greater than $500.
Today those same voices point breathlessly to the bankers (currency market) and investing class (financial market) losses – – seemingly unaware the ‘working people’ they previously defined as non-Vichy are unaffected by such consequences.
Oh dear, the global bankers are losing today?  Yeah, so, pass the cannolis.
Wait, wha.. huh?

• The cognitive dissonance continues with the same intellectual elite claiming the decision of the working class to exit the constructs of their ruling apparatus as nothing more than “short-sighted“, or “shooting themselves in the foot“.
Again, the disconnect.   A common sense person considers such a statement and asks: if we are going to be so much worse off, does that not imply we are currently better off?… and we’re not, hence motive of this vote is identified.  
The high-minded argument does not compute.
But, yet such common sense doesn’t stop the ruling class from doubling, tripling and quadrupling down on their intransigent belief they just simply know better.  Cue the appearances of every left-wing academic and pundit to reinforce their own echo chamber.
The catch phrases are flowing freely:  “low educated”, “working class”, “xenophobic”, “bigoted”, “isolationists”, “lacking in culture”, “unrefined”, “nationalist”, etc.
Yes, those are the voices of the legacy media people who see the #Brexit vote and yet take virtually no relevant lesson from it other than to ridicule the people who regained their freedom.
Oh, and the uppity political pundits also decrying how businessman Donald Trump actually has the audacity to take a business trip and talk about the business he was making the trip to promote.
Good grief… these people are not just disconnected – they’re barking moonbats.
Fireworks !!
