The progressive media embed who relishes undermining American sovereignty, Chris Wallace, scripted the Sunday conversation with Rush Limbaugh and Mitt Romney. (Two videos below).

In the first segment Wallace discusses the severely fractured Republican party with Rush Limbaugh; who, as always, finds a way to obfuscate, and weave, in and out of intellectual honesty and propaganda – the consummate squish providing just enough evidence to keep the sheeple audience protecting his ridiculous positions.

In the first part of the Limbaugh segment, Rush rightly points out the goal of the GOP party apparatus is always to retain ownership of a small controllable tent.   This is why the GOPe want independent-minded, “common sense” folks to consistently feel marginalized and leave the Republican party.  The GOPe controls their side of the UniParty equation much easier without those pesky unwashed masses disrupting their banquets.

However, in the second part of the Limbaugh segment – Sire squish-a-lot rolls seamlessly into the intellectually dishonest phase.

Limbaugh shifts into selling the common sense ‘conservative’ on purchasing a Wall Street corruptocrat, single-term (two-year) senator, with entrenched ties to the Bush family, who just happened to discover in the 44th year of his life that he was actually a Canadian citizen.

Why everyone in Kansas has experienced the same storyline right?

Never mind the fact that Senator Ted Cruz has accomplished exactly NOTHING to speak of in private life, and other than grand “prose”, has zip to add to the curriculum vitae which would provide any assurance he would be factually qualified for the executive job he is seeking.

In essence, Ted Cruz is “conservative”, whatever that means, because he says he is.  So sayeth the Grand Pubar of radio punditry.  Oh, yeah, and “he’s a nice guy”, so there’s always that.

Jump to the second segment from Wallace and we find ourselves exposed to Mittens, yet again, who speaks of how he’s just aghast at the thought of a vulgarian in the White House.

What jumped out to me, in addition to the smarmy sense that immediately reminds us of why he never stood a chance in hell of getting elected in 2012, was Romney making the claim he never spoke to anyone prior to giving his anti-Trump speech.

This claim is total BullS**T because Romney’s already on record saying he talked to House Speaker Paul Ryan before he gave his wormy diatribe.


ryan waste fraud and abuse

It’s a full blown oligarchy and we are the victims suffering from battered conservative syndrome who are expected to keep facilitating it.

Enough !


[…] Our country is going broke, half its working-age population isn’t even looking for work, faces the real threat of massive Islamic terrorist attack, and has a government incapable of doing even basic functions. Meanwhile, conservatives act like cutting Planned Parenthood off the government or stopping gays from getting marriage licenses are the great issues of the day and then have the gumption to call Donald Trump a clown. It would be downright funny if it wasn’t so sad and the situation so serious. (keep reading)
