louisville FPO MutchlerLast week the professionally aggrieved began a campaign against the Louisville Kentucky police department after a deranged man attacked a police officer with a flag pole, and was shot and killed.

The professional agitators began using the same antagonistic activist messaging, “F**k the Police”, as previously used in Ferguson, Saint Louis, Baltimore, Madison, New York, Charlottesville and McKinney, Texas. The Louisville Kentucky police had enough, and the Fraternal Order of Police penned an open letter to the public:

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Now that letter has put the FOP in the crosshairs of the Black Grievance Community and the professionally aggrieved, “Ferguson 2 Louisville”.

(Via WDRB) Many activists and community leaders are taking action after last week’s strongly worded letter from the president of the Fraternal Order of Police.

The letter written to the public by FOP President Dave Mutchler has sparked so much controversy that a protest, community meeting, and a public forum are all planned Monday.

Charleston personified

The group “Ferguson 2 Louisville” planned a protest outside Louisville Metro Police headquarters from noon until 2 p.m.

Mutchler was also invited to meet with the Louisville Metro Human Relations Commission at a 2:30 p.m. public meeting at the Louisville Free Public Library on York Street. The group ended up canceling that meeting when they did not get a response from Mutchler.

A letter written by Advocacy Chair Reginald Glass was attached to the invitation. In the letter, Glass calls Mutchler’s letter “unnecessarily aggressive and divisive.” He went on to say that “many perceived the tone as threatening.”

On Monday, Mayor Fischer’s office released a letter expressing support for the police department, but noted that the language Mutchler used in his letter made it hard for some people not to see it as a threat.

Mutchler has been scrutinized by many in the community after a letter calling out people he says are “sensationalists, liars and race-baiters.” But he’s not backing down from his claims that police officers are not getting the proper support from those they serve. And he says he has support from the other FOP members.

“These feelings and this opinion are something that has been starting to grow for the last two years. I’ve not had one member tell me anything other than saying thank you for saying exactly how we feel,” he said.  (read more)
