President Obama and AG Eric Holder have created the ultimate BGI extortion scheme in direct alignment with attorneys Daryl Parks and Benjamin Crump. A grievance win-win. Parks and Crump have announced their intent to sue on behalf of the Mike Brown family; the ONLY evidence for their wrongful death claim is the DOJ investigation.

If Ferguson agrees to the DOJ investigation finding, the Parks and Crump lawsuit carries automatic admission of wrongdoing, hence liability.   Ergo, today….

potus and Holder president obama and eric holderholder and obama

[…]  Moving forward, Mr. Obama said the city must clean up its act or face legal action by the federal government.

“It was an oppressive and abusive situation,” the president said of police practices in Ferguson. “The city of Ferguson will now have to make a decision. Are they now going to enter into some sort of agreement with the Justice Department to fix what is clearly a broken and racially broken system? Or, if they don’t, the Justice Department has the capacity to sue the city for violations of the rights of the people of Ferguson.” (link)

