If you are willing to accept the world as it is, rather than as you might wish it to be, the answer is obvious.

Enterovirus Obama
♦  Tens of thousands of non-inoculated Mexican/South American children, and their families, have been using Obama’s open border policy to swarm into the United States.
♦  These kids/families, each with 90% no-show rates for the very first immigration hearing, then join public schools and daycare centers without consequence.  After all, there is a three year backlog of cases to find.
♦  Then, not coincidentally, a big surprise – Enterovirus and Measles outbreaks occur almost immediately along a pattern of immigration flow.
CNN measles
And the media is shocked, SHOCKED.
Reminder – […]  However, for our research hypothesis, more relevant than the CDC claim it has not found a link – is the admission the immigrant children were not known to have been tested for the resistant or dormant virus.
This ‘head-in-sand’ approach aligns with all previous research we have summarized.  The organizational entities who would normally have a vested interest in sourcing a viral outbreak, hold a conflicting interest in their funding mechanisms being adverse to such a finding; in this example the U.S. federal government.
Would the CDC or NIH actually conduct research which would identify President Obama’s lax to non-existent immigration controls as the source of the outbreak?
You decide. (read here)
Obama Racine
