I’ve never been so sure of something I couldn’t fully prove – as I am about the IRS targeting instructions coming from political officials to the Eric Holder DOJ and the IRS.  We’ve followed the releases closely, researched and cataloged the information and genuinely believe this one scandal is bigger than all other Obama administration scandals combined.
lois lerner 3The IRS illegally sent taxpayer information via Schedule B’s to the U.S. Department of Justice.  The Department of Justice then assembled a “Target List” from the entities contained on the schedule B’s (individuals and organizations).
The groups and individuals on the list then came under scrutiny from every regulatory body in the arsenal of the Federal Government.   The IRS,  ATF (Alcohol Tobbacco Firearms), EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), EEOC, Banking and Finance etc., all to attack conservative groups and people with overwhelming and destructive regulation, fines and penalties.
(Via Daily Caller)  The legal advocacy firm Cause of Action sued the Treasury Department’s inspector general for information about further IRS coordination with the White House. The long-stonewalled lawsuit has finally borne fruit.
“[T]he Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) informed Cause of Action that there exist nearly 2,500 potentially responsive documents relating to investigations of improper disclosures of confidential taxpayer information by the IRS to the White House,” Cause of Action stated.
The Department of Justice is trying to delay the release of the documents for another two weeks.
“It needs the additional two weeks to deal with the last 500 pages to determine if they are responsive and make any necessary withholdings. We would therefore like to ask the court to permit the agency to issue a response (including production) on December 1 as to any documents it has completed processing by that date, and do the same as to the remaining documents by December 15,” said DOJ lawyer Yonatan Gelblum in an email to Cause of Action.  (read more)
