WASHINGTON Democrats and civil rights groups are trying to raise turnout among African-American voters around the country Tuesday by invoking a familiar and painful image: Ferguson.
The Anger Games
The civil rights group ColorofChange.org said Monday it has distributed fliers to black voters in seven states, including Illinois, with a photo of protests in Ferguson overwritten by the headline, “Enough.”
“The people we elect on November 4th will be in charge of our police departments,” the flier says. “If we want to end senseless killings, like Michael Brown in Ferguson, we need to vote.” The flyer also says conservatives “hijacked the Supreme Court and struck down key provisions in the Voting Rights act,” and accuses Republicans of trying to impeach President Barack Obama.
DNC flyer 1
dnc flyer 2
dnc flyer 3
The fliers, along with similar ones by Democrat Party groups, have raised debates over whether the invocation of the death of Michael Brown, killed by Ferguson Police officer Darren Wilson, and that of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin, killed by a neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman, is fair politics or race baiting.  (read more)

As we previously outlined this has been planned, organized and constructed for MONTHS – Evidence Here

potus and Holder president obama and eric holder

↑ Note the date of the meeting August 18th
