NYPD has released security video of a black male in his 20s assaulting a 72-year-old man, who appears to be white, walking down the street in the West Village on Monday afternoon. After the man fell to the ground, police say the suspect ran to the other side of the street to an awaiting black male. Police are now looking for both suspects. (link)

The PC infected mainstream media, and even law enforcement, have consistently tried to claim the race-based “Knock Out” assaults are mythical in nature.

Various manipulations of labeling have taken place with some calling the attacks “a game”, or more specifically, “the Knock Out Game“.

It is also known on the street as “polar bear hunting“, or “Cracka’ Smacks“.

Until we honestly confront the reality of what is taking place we cannot expect to see this trend stop. Every single one of these attacks is identical. A black suspect -usually a youth- a specifically intended random white or asian victim, a random blow to the face/head:


New York, New York (near NYU Campus Greenwich Village)

Philadelphia (Brick to face)

New York city, New York (male victim)

New York City, New York (female victim)

Baton Rouge, Louisiana (victim killed)

Cambridge, Massachusetts

St. Cloud, Minnesota (victim killed)

Flint, Michigan

New York, New York (six victims from same thug)

Charlottesville, Virginia

Denver, Colorado

Rochester, New York

New York, New York (victim Killed)

Houston, Texas (two victims)

New York, New York (female victim)

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Ferndale, Michigan

Baltimore Maryland (two victims)

New York, New York (72-year-old victim)


Brooklyn, New York

Queens, New York

Peoria, Illinois

Winton, North Carolina

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Brooklyn, New York

Fort Myers, Florida (89-year-old victim)

Chicago, Illinois (Victim killed)

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

New Jersey (13, 14 year-old attackers, Victim killed)


Chicago, Illinois (victim killed)

Michigan (victim was armed and shot attacker in buttocks)

St Paul, Minnesota

Chicago, Illinois (Victim killed)

New York, New York (Tourist victimized)

St. Louis, Missouri

This is what it looks like to be a victim:

Houston metro attack

This is not a myth, or urban legend !
