New York Police Call This “Simple HARRASSMENT” ?

This example is a case study in:  1.) why it is important to discuss the TRUE intent of criminals behind the “knock out” assaults;  2.) how unwilling the police department have become toward enforcing laws when the criminal behavior is clearly evidenced; and 3.) how a politically correct media have become afraid to show the truth behind the conduct.

In the video below you clearly see an aggravated  “assault”.  You can also see a racial intent on behalf of the attacker “in his own words”.   The brutality of the mindset behind the attacker is factually evident – watch for yourself:

The full story behind the attack is well outlined HERE.

Elena Correila…Including the response from the Rochester Police Department who have watched the video, and publically stated the activity you see in the video is not a criminal assault.

“Rochester Police Department Sgt. Elena Correia  (pictured left) told Rochester’s Democrat and Chronicle newspaper that she DOES NOT consider the incident an assault, but rather a simple case of harassment“!

FULL STORY HERE  including everything the police would need to arrest and prosecute a suspect.   Yet they refuse ?

This deserves widespread attention !
