wine-snob-manEveryone knows there are professional pundits in the establishment GOP who’s entire existence is essentially dependent on maintaining a relationship with the power elites.
In the Mississippi Senate challenge between the establishment’s professional Alzheimer’s patient, Thad Cochran, and conservative challenger Chris McDaniel the desperation of pundit transparency is turning comical.
Against a bit of backlash from the pesky unwashed conservative less than’s, the Daily Caller wing (Tucker Carlson, Ann Coulter et al) decided to remain in the kitchen.   Still intent on service to the party however, they well trimmed the cucumber sandwich crusts, and dispatched Matt Lewis into the crowd carrying his platter of “white bread only” samples.
Lewis strolls around notifying everyone that he garnered inside Intel on the pesky racists in Mississippi:

Chris McDaniel’s team issued a press release late last week saying that the Mississippi GOP is “prohibited from recognizing Thad Cochran as their nominee for U.S. Senate in accordance with the rules of the Republican National Committee” — because Democrats participated in his election.

But a first draft of that same release, obtained by The Daily Caller, twice called out “black Democrats” as the culprits.

While both references to “black” were stripped out of McDaniel’s public press release, the “1st Draft” refers to “black Democrats” and talks about Cochran campaign soliciting “black Democrat votes.”   (link)

So there.  
Grab your white wine spritzer – pinkies up everyone – have one of these splendid Wonder Bread, Crustless, Cucumber and mayonnaise sandwiches.  And let me tell you about those horrible McDaniel types  {{{GASP}}}   riff-Raff, just horrid riff-raff.    Shall we adjourn to the reading room for a power point presentation selecting the latest logo for our Romney 2016 campaign.
Hey, Matt – how’d you get that unreleased draft ?

“Doilies, don’t forget the hand-made doilies”…  “follow me everyone”…. “James did you say fresh scones?”…  “Yes, the arrangements are beautiful”…. “is that tortious shell?”…

Meanwhile, and most certainly not to be outdone around the punchbowl of distraction, the bastion of all things Republican and Pragmatic, David Drucker, turns up the volume on the background elevator music so the enthralled audience does not notice the noise from the pitchfork crowd assembling outside the window.
snob12-300x225Why it wasn’t the “establishment” National Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee that bought those racist attack ads.   Look over there, no, no, over THERE….. it’s a gaggle of Democrats – they did it.   Yeah, yeah, that’s the ticket….

A Democratic activist has claimed responsibility for controversial radio ads that attempted to tie Mississippi Senate candidate Chris McDaniel to the Ku Klux Klan.

Ruth Harris, 65, of Jackson, Miss., said she and five other like-minded Democratic women pooled their resources to fund three radio spots urging voters to support Sen. Thad Cochran over McDaniel, a state senator, in Mississippi’s contentious June 24 GOP primary runoff.

Harris’ claim counters charges leveled by the McDaniel campaign that the Republican Establishment and GOP operative Henry Barbour were responsible for the ads.

In a telephone interview with the Washington Examiner on Monday morning, Harris said she has never met Barbour and doesn’t know how he ended up being linked to the radio ads. Harris also said she has never met either former Gov. Haley Barbour, Henry Barbour’s uncle, or Austin Barbour, Henry Barbour’s brother who advised the Cochran campaign.

“It was a group of ladies and I,” she said. “I don’t know how the Barbours even got [mentioned.] I’ve never met any of them.”

Asked why she felt the need to get involved in runoff campaign and run ads with hard-hitting language that suggested McDaniel and the Tea Party were racists who would return Mississippi to the state’s ugly segregationist past, Harris said: “One being, [McDaniel saying he] wouldn’t stoop so low for asking for a Democratic vote. And the way politics is going, it seemed liked something we needed to do.”   (link)

Really David?   Really ?
Pantomime?   In today’s modern era, the best you can come up with is “Pantomime” ?  We stopped paying attention to that stuff after Professor Plum was identified in the Library with the Candlestick.
But you can keep on selling it….  Crust less cucumber and mayonnaise sandwiches on wonder bread appeal to someone.   But it’s most definitely not familiar to the palate of the team outside the window with buckets of tar and bags of feathers.
But you keep on singing your little tunes, dancing your silly dances and stroking each others delicate sensibilities.   We know the gig and can smell the Bob McDonnellesque hairspray from a significant distance.
The real problem for y’all “establishment types” is because of YOUR behavior the Kentucky and Mississippi GOP Senate seats are now well in play.   Your own internal polling shows non-existent conservative support for Cochran and McConnell and it’s August.
Yikes !
The Dems know how vulnerable you have just made yourself by attacking the base of your own party in both Kentucky and Mississippi.    The mainstream media has yet to catch on, but they will, soon – very soon.
While the overall climate is good for Republicans in the fall – the more surprising outcome is going to be that in Kentucky Mitch McConnell will lose to a Democrat while conservatives sit home and teach him a lesson.
Worse yet, in Mississippi, the GOP base might even vote for a Democrat rather than an establishment Alzheimer’s patient who didn’t even want to run again.   In hindsight the GOP machine will regret listening to Haley Barbour who forced Cochran’s handlers to build a better walker for Thad just so they could maintain a tenuous grip on power.
Enjoy those sandwiches…..    Kentucky and Mississippi are both lost causes.
Idiots !
Mitt Romney Mormon
