First watch the video:

Prediction: Today, President Obama will come out with another politispeak correction *of sorts*, where he tacks toward the American People, saying that: “HHS’s efforts to improve the quality of healthcare” -has resulted in- “insurance companies choosing to *transition* plans“.
The slow and subtle goal will be to position HHS, not him, as the perceiver-in-origin of the misleading information. Kathleen Sebelius has already been determined to be expendable – her release/discharge will come as soon as the website is working correctly. The end of the newly nuanced (McDonough/Jarrett directed) statement will be summarized around: “we must overcome any potential flaw or glitch, accepting the motive was pure, and demand everyone participate in getting things moving forward”.
Using his traditional approach of divide and conquer, if you do not support the forward looking goal of successful implementation – you are a hateful, selfish non-patriot who does not care about the poor or afflicted.
