Side Question:  How come the media has stopped using the word WMD now that President Obama is in office?   Oh well,…..

Some things are more reflective than others.   A famous person once said: those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it, or something similar.   Well, this is one Obama Administration repetition worth highlighting.
Syria Banner
On Wednesday of last week the United Nations Security Council held an emergency meeting to discuss the recent chemical attacks being witnessed in Syria.   Those chemical and/or biological attacks have been a great source of international attention and concern.
Samantha Power Leaving White House West WingHowever, our U.N. Ambassador, Samantha Power, was conspicuously absent from the Security Council meeting.   The Administration was questioned, and the White House mysteriously avoided answering where she was.   Why was the United States not present during the meeting?   Where was Samantha Power?
Today it is reported she missed the meeting in order to attend a Charlie Chaplin Film Festival.   No joke, this is the real reason.   It sure explains why the White House was dodging the question and refused to answer.
But here comes the historical context.
Remember Samantha Power replaced Susan Rice.   Susan Rice is now a National Security Advisor to President Obama.
However, in Rice’s former role as U.N. Ambassador there was another key Emergency U.N. Security Council meeting similarly missed.   Under almost identical circumstances where the international community was looking for U.S. leadership.
Back on February 25th and 26th, of 2011, as Libya was exploding with Kaddafi loyalists strafing the Libyan streets from jet fighters, and killing thousands of people with helicopters, bombs and similar ordinance, the U.N. met in emergency session trying to define a course of action.   Well, all but the U.S. Ambassador to the council, that is.
Where was Rice?    She was at a global warming summit in Cape Town, South Africa, discussing, wait for it…..  Cow Farts.   Yes, as Kaddafi was raining down lead into the environment, Susan Rice was conferencing on the impact of Bovine Flatulence on planetary warming.
The NYPost put it this way:

(NYP) There were plenty of carbon emissions over Tripoli and Benghazi this week — from fighter-jet and helicopter exhaust as Khadafy loyalists strafed protestors in the streets, and from  exploding Molotov cocktails. Lead poisoning from stray AK-47 rounds were an issue, too.

But instead of taking the lead as the United Nations tried to force Khadafy to end his war on his own people, America’s top UN official was essentially AWOL.

Which is every bit as shameful as it sounds.

But it’s hardly a surprise, given the Obama administration’s utter cluelessness in the Middle East of late.  O & Co. have been out to lunch since protests swept dictators out of power in Tunisia and Egypt — just as they’ve been slow to act against Khadafy now (more)

In February 2011, the United Nations was in an EMERGENCY SESSION of the Security Council urgently meeting about Libyan government killing its own people, President Obama was on the golf course and Susan Rice was discussing Cow Farts.
In August 2013, the United Nations was in an EMERGENCY SESSION of the Security Council urgently meeting about Syrian government WMD use – killing its own people,  President Obama was on the golf course, and Samantha Power was at a Charlie Chaplin Film Festival.
You just can’t make this stuff up folks.

Samantha Power, Susan Rice, President Obama Prepare to take us to War in Libya based on a United Nations mandate and ideology of our Responsibility To Protect (R2P)  This becomes the Obama Doctrine of international intervention.  Supported by Hillary Clinton and the U.S. State Department against the advisement of the Pentagon and US Defense Department
Samantha Power, Susan Rice, President Obama Prepare to take us to War in Libya based on a United Nations mandate and ideology of our Responsibility To Protect (R2P) This becomes the Obama Doctrine of international intervention. Supported by Hillary Clinton and the U.S. State Department against the advisement of the Pentagon and US Defense Department

But not to worry.   I’m sure somehow President Obama will figure out a way to take credit for whatever decisions the U.N. makes, just like he did in Libya, and no-one in the media will hold him accountable for the lies.
