Rat FinksIt does not matter whether the Anti-Trumpist of the day emanates from Washington DC (congress), from media (punditry), or from the special interest groups doing the bidding of Wall Street (US CoC), the ultimate thread which connects them all is money. Lots, and lots, of money. These are financial interests.
Not meaning to be so simplistic, but it’s always about the money. Behind every globalist word, behind every globalist ideology, behind the convenient use of pop culture – you find the motives of power interests all circle around money.
Corporate media does an effective job promoting opinion that serves their interests. Admitting this is not cynicism, it is our reality. Controversies are used as tools, simply intended to sway opinion and applied when needed to serve those interests.
That is what they do.  That’s what this is.  That’s all this is.
Think about the current pearl clutching class of DC congress critters, in conjunction with the recently rolled out Mitt Romney approach, aghast with what they call Trump’s racism; or more recently with Romney’s new talking point: “trickle down racism“…
Contrast the accusation against the reality of the GOPe behavior in the Mississippi 2014 primary where race was specifically used BY THEM to retain Thad Cochran’s seat in the Senate.  Was mittens concerned about McConnell’s use of race to advance the GOPe objectives?
Nah, not so much.  Funny that.

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It is not hypocrisy either.   Simple hypocrisy would require the contrivance of a false appearance of virtue or goodness, while concealing real character or inclinations.  These guys don’t hide their character or inclinations.  Their behaviors are well beyond the practice of engaging in conduct or activity for which they criticize another.
These GOPe behaviors are a pretense, a specific sham intended to advance a proposition that is more favorable to their retention of power and financial position.
Mitch McConnell:

“it’s time for Trump to stop attacking various minority groups”.

A preposterous presentation poured from the pontificating puss of a politician who previously paid his pussified Proletarian parliamentarians to attack Chris McDaniel.
Mitt Romney yesterday:

“trickle down racism is extraordinarily dangerous to the heart and character of America”.
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Romney is a condescending clout who couldn’t contemplate constructing a counter charge, contrary to the convoluted 2012 clap-trap contrived against his own clown candidacy.  Now Romney prefers chastising a champion with chicken-shit charges like the chump-faced choker he is.
Why, because he’s $cared.
You know who scares the heck out of him and them?

….WE DO !

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The nomination of Donald Trump represents an existential threat to the Uniparty apparatus within DC, and the professional leadership who gain personal wealth and influence by retaining the status quo.
In general terms Trump is opposed by both of the power structures, Democrats and Republicans, who are charged with carrying out the legislative agenda provided by Wall Street and the financial class.
More specifically, the GOPe leadership of Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell were always going to be in opposition to Donald Trump. Indeed, the entire architecture of the republican presidential race was structurally intended to advance the ‘establishment’ candidacy of next-in-line Jeb. This was the grand design since October of 2014 which we previously outlined in great detail.
As we presented mid-2015, if Trump bested their globalist/Wall St efforts -which seemed almost insurmountable at the time- the GOPe would have no reasonable alternative other than to support the alternate side of the UniParty coin, Hillary Clinton.
However, supporting Clinton is ideologically favorable but optically challenging.
Everything would have to be carefully constructed to avoid the appearance of their support for an candidate they are supposed to oppose.
Predictably 2016 endorsements would not be actual endorsements per se’. Support in-name-only is the best way to think of it. What followed (post Indiana) was essentially the visibility of this approach.
The corporate media have skin in this game, and consequently sell the arms length approach around the manufactured vulgarian or controversial nature of candidate Trump.
However, that narrative is factually false.
U.S. Republican presidential candidate Trump hugs a U.S. flag as he takes the stage for a campaign town hall meeting in DerryThe GOPe do not support the nationalist candidacy of Donald Trump because the America-First principles espoused by Trump are antithetical to their legislative agenda.
Their opposition has nothing to do with Trump’s personality; their motives only use the behavioral excuse as a shield to hide the reality of their UniParty affiliation.
As an example last week House Speaker Paul Ryan says candidate Trump’s remarks about Judge Curiel are “the literal definition of racism“, most of the Trump supporters and most of the Anti-Trump advocates, point out how Ryan’s remarks are going to be in Hillary Clinton campaign ads.
Yes, indeed Ryan’s words will be in Hillary Clinton campaign ads; but that is not accidental – it is by Machiavellian design.
The GOPe is going to do everything within their power to undermine the candidacy of their own nominee because that nominee is an existential threat to their own grip on power.
Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and by extension Mitt Roney et al, cannot openly appear to be throwing the 2016 Presidential race because that would expose the UniParty to full electoral sunlight.
No, instead their efforts must be more covert, more subtle, more designed to provide benefit while retaining appearances.
What the GOPe are doing, on behalf of their legislative agenda, is politically strategic. Remember this is the same crew behind Omnibus, behind TPP, behind the Corker/Cardin amendment, behind the attempted passage of Comprehensive Immigration Reform.
Just like in June of 2014 when they were trying to pass the Gang of Eight bill in the House (derailed by the primary of Eric Cantor), the GOPe is one side of the UniParty apparatus strategically trying to give the viewing electorate the appearance of opposition while simultaneously working to deliver an identical outcome.
How did that fiscal year budget 2017 work out?… with the GOPe in control of the House and Senate?…. or funding for DAPA (Obama’s executive amnesty)… See the real picture here?
paul ryan mitt romney - selfie tweet
POINT #2 – The GOPe have some VERY WEAK candidates at risk of defeat in 2016, and that has nothing to do with presidential candidate Donald Trump.
Rob Portman (Ohio), Kelly Ayotte (NH), Mark Kirk (IL) and Ron Johnson (WI), are a few of the vulnerable republican senate incumbents not because of Donald Trump, but rather because they are quislings to the GOPe side of the UniParty apparatus and their flawed and unprincipled character is transparent to their own state electorate. You can easily add Senator John McCain (AZ) to this list.
Leader Mitch McConnell is a snake of the highest order. He knows the limp-wristed, big government, progressive republican, Wall Street cause could most certainly mean Portman, Ayotte, Kirk, Johnson and McCain may lose. [*note* Hopefully McCain loses in the primary] Hence, McConnell now trying to weaken Trump’s candidacy by positioning their potential loss as Trump’s burden.
The exact opposite of McConnell’s narrative is true.
Trump rally illinois 4If the aforementioned vulnerables would show some independent spine and support the majority will of their electorate, meaning actually do what America-First is about, they would probably win.
However, if the weak quislings embraced the Trump objectives they might actually benefit from their state constituents seeing them stand up for their best interests. They might win – and that weakens Mitch McConnell’s standing.
♦ The best political play for both Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell is to sell the concern narrative that Trump is toxic and then work earnestly to deliver a self fulfilling prophecy. This keeps them in power, allows obfuscation by blaming the White House for another 4 years, and retains their influence on the legislative agenda. Win/Win
Notice in all of the visits to Capitol Hill you have never seen one picture of Donald Trump standing with Paul Ryan. Despite the large scale media interest there’s never been a single photo op? That is 100% intentionally by design – Speaker ‘Omnibus’ Ryan, having been in Washington DC for over 18 years, is working the political angles furiously.
There are trillions of dollars at stake.
Why are they freaking out?
Consider this:
Republican voter turnout projected
Here’s the reality folks. The DC Beltway and their entire institutional system of crony politics and financial graft is at risk. In order to protect their own interests, financial interests, every single effort is being exhausted to keep you from recognizing the scope of our united beliefs as America-First Americans.
Part of that effort is the use of the corporate media to initiate concern and construct a fundamentally false reality.
Yet despite their efforts, despite everything including the kitchen sink being thrown at us, at our candidate, and at anyone who openly supports that candidate, WE ARE STILL WINNING.
They have to manufacture controversy in an effort to create a ruse.
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