You might have already reviewed the prior discussion thread on the protestors who tried to disrupt the Donald Trump rally last evening. – SEE HERE –  However,  SkyPhoenix attended the Albuquerque Trump rally and was kind enough to explain what she experienced first hand

…”First-time commenter here, although my husband and I have been faithfully reading CTH every night for months and loving it. Attended the Albuquerque rally tonight; it was wonderful. Very inspiring!
Trump new mexico
It was very calm outside when we entered the building at 4 pm. After the rally, however, thousands of us headed for the main exit but we got jammed up in the lobby and didn’t know why we weren’t moving any more. We were all crammed into the lobby shoulder to shoulder. Finally we learned that the police had put the metal barriers against the front doors on the outside, but we didn’t know why.
No one announced to us what was going on or redirected us to different exits. We didn’t move for about 30 min and still couldn’t see outside. Several people learned from their smartphones what was going on outside. (The battery on mine had died.)
new mexico 3
We had to go upstairs on a narrow escalator to a long hallway that led to the exit to the parking garage on a different side of the building. The hallway had high windows that overlooked the violence, three stories up from street level outside. For the first time, we could actually see what was going on outside.
Many of us had our faces right up to the windows so that we could see out. There was a loud noise and the sound of breaking glass just in front of us. A bullet shot from outside left a round hole in the thick glass.
Someone shouted, ” Get away from the glass!” Then we heard the “tink, tink, tink” of rocks hitting the glass. None of us were hurt but it shook us up a bit.
We got to our cars with no further incidents, but as we drove away we saw a lot of traffic heading toward the protest site – loud people in low-riders attracted to the violence, probably because of the news coverage.
I’m still glad that we attended the rally in spite of a few tense moments on the way out. What energy and patriotism we experienced inside, with people of all races and ages, united in love for our country.
We will not let these people tear our country apart!
Trump thumbs up
trump lion
