A rare Sunday senate session provides a remarkable opportunity for the electorate to understand the deception behind the Republican Professional Political Class, the Decepticons.

Ted Cruz and Mike Lee lg

As you reference the following Politico article, reflect upon the reality that the current House and Senate have larger Republican majorities than the Democrats held when ObamaCare was constructed in ’09 and passed in ’10.

Following Democrat losses in 2010 and 2012, when Harry Reid was the democrat majority leader, Reid changed the rules within the senate to allow his party agendas’ to pass with lower thresholds than traditional Senate Rules.

You might specifically remember the “reconciliation” maneuver which was used to allow ObamaCare to be created with a simple majority (50% +1) instead of 3/5th’s (60) [because Scott Brown won the special election 1/19/10 to stand as the 41st vote against the Dems].

Every legislative and parliamentary trick and strategy was deployed by Harry Reid to advance the agenda of his party.   President Obama defended the machinations by saying the electorate “doesn’t care about the process, they care about the outcome“.

(Via Politico) Republican leaders delivered a smackdown of Sens. Ted Cruz and Mike Lee on the Senate floor Sunday — the latest in an increasingly testy rivalry marked by accusations of deceit and grandstanding.

The showdown was triggered by an attempt by Cruz (R-Texas) and Lee (R-Utah) to employ arcane Senate procedures to take a tougher stand on Iran and to defund Planned Parenthood. Republican leaders led by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) viewed the move as an affront to Senate rules and squelched the effort in dramatic fashion — an embarrassing setback for two of the chamber’s most conservative members.

First Cruz tried unsuccessfully to force the Senate to consider an amendment to a transportation bill stating that sanctions on Iran could not be lifted until the country recognizes Israel’s right to exist and frees four American hostages. But he was unable to rally enough senators to back his effort to get a roll call vote on the matter. (Well worth reading the entire article)

