Two years ago we took considerable flak for highlighting the Nine Anticipated Stages of Obamacare Outrage.   However, despite the political delays provided by the White House to avoid consequences, and given the context of the Jonathan Gruber video (recently surfaced) we can advance to stage #5.    
The 2013 meme for antagonism around Obamacare was to point out the inherent falsehood behind the statement:

If you like your insurance plan/doctor, you can keep it“.

Anyone who has spent even a modicum of time following and researching this administration will note the only wording out of place was the first use of the term “you”.
The statement from President Obama would have been accurate if he had said:

..”If I like your insurance plan, you can keep it”

obama_lobbying-500x271Where “I” is actually defined as the political ideology behind the phrase.
It is the progressive ideology which defines what you can, or cannot, have. Period.
The entire premise of the ACA, or Obamacare, was government defining all the common denominators.  The recent Gruber video puts a fine point on this aspect.

In essence they needed to create two impressions, one real and one false.

The false impression was the one they stated publicly. This was the one to make sure the electorate voted as they needed. The real impression is what they were doing, and what they actually did – in the architecture and construction of the new national healthcare.
It does not provide value to rise up against the false impression – it’s a snipe hunt. The uprising needs to be focused on the real action that took place. Actions speak louder than words, yet so many people fail to focus their pushback approach on the action; instead they get stuck focusing on the words.
obamacare website parody
The 2013 Obamacare website was constructed to stop people from having an early capacity to see what financial impact it was (and is) going to have on their family or themselves. That is also why could not identify your 2015 enrollment premium price until after the November 2014 election.
They knew in the architecture of the regulation itself that millions of people would lose their health insurance policies. As Kathleen Sebelius stated before congress, even a $5 increase in any private insurance annual premium leads to ANY policy having to conform to the new regulations. This was by design.
The architects, including Gruber, wanted private insurance cancellations. They designed private insurance cancellations.

Section 1251 of the Affordable Care Act contains what’s called a “grandfather” provision that, in theory, allows people to keep their existing plans if they like them. But subsequent regulations from the Obama administration interpreted that provision so narrowly as to prevent most plans from gaining this protection.

“The Departments’ mid-range estimate is that 66 percent of small employer plans and 45 percent of large employer plans will relinquish their grandfather status by the end of 2013,” wrote the administration on page 34552. All in all, more than half of employer-sponsored plans will lose their “grandfather status” and get canceled. According to the Congressional Budget Office, 156 million Americans—more than half the population—was covered by employer-sponsored insurance in 2013. (link)

That’s just one of the things you identify when you focus on the action, not the words.
Another example is the reason why businesses were given a one year delay, that became a two year delay, on the mandate (tax).  That political action simply provides another year incentive for businesses to keep people on their current healthcare plan.
It was a political decision. Once those two years are up, it becomes cheaper for most large businesses to dump the insurance policy liability and pay the mandate (tax). This too is by design.
Roughly 16 million people who were on the individual market in 2013 were structurally assigned to lose their coverage.  Six million lost coverage between October 2013 and January 1st 2014.
The rest would lose their private coverage (within a year or two) as the insurance companies look at increases in premium which exceed the $5 regulatory limit.  However, anticipating the political fallout in the November 2014 election, this too was postponed until NOW….  like, RIGHT NOW, Nov/December 2014.
Between now and next October (2015) the remaining ten to eleven million will lose their private individual market coverage.
The future of private employer-provided insurance is also soon to end for the reasons noted above – it’s just cheaper, by design, to drop it.
Union waivers will remain until their organizational structure determine it’s also more sustainable to dump their unfunded pension and healthcare benefit liabilities.
These “real impression” realities are why you saw the White House threaten both employers and insurance companies to stay quiet about the future of health insurance.

Cass Sunstein - Regulatory Czar, Married to Samantha Power
Cass Sunstein – Regulatory Czar, Married to Samantha Power

You might ask what leverage they have to carry out on threats.
Indeed, many people forget what Cass Sunstein was doing for the first three years he was Regulatory Czar. Within the takeover of healthcare, the insurance company is now subject to government regulation.
Remember, under Obamacare’s regulations any health insurance provider must spend 80% of premium incomes on healthcare expenditures. They are only allowed 20% for operational overhead, transportation, energy, administration, payroll, advertising, and *gasp* stock holder profit.
This profit regulation also applies beyond the insurance carrier to providers of healthcare itself, hospitals and doctors who operate within the Obamacare networks.  So what do you think will be the outcome of that regulation?
Yep, as New York found out in 2013 – Doctors and Hospitals will opt out.  Provider networks will necessarily diminish for Obamacare holders.
This will become what we call Stage Four of the National Outrage.

Stage One – The “taxpayers” can’t identify their cost until it’s too late (Oct/Nov 2013) – – – and for those postponed until after the 2014 election (Nov/Dec 2014).

Stage Two – The “taxpayers” lose their current coverage and cannot replace with anything except Obamacare coverage (2013/2014)…. and ongoing.

Stage Three – The “taxpayers” find out they’re going to pay more, much more, for less freedom, fewer choices, more mandates they’ll never use because of the regulations no one was paying attention to.

Stage Four – The “taxpayers” find out their doctor and/or provider is gone, opted out. Provider options, depending on region, become limited to non-existent.

Watch Video:

listen_up_words_horizontal__clear_bkrd__4-14-08_mayv_kyjxHere’s where it gets interesting, because all of the politically-motivated postponements are now expired.  The 2014 election is solidly in the rear view.
As you can see from the W-2 form below, way back in 2010 the structure was for the employer mandate/tax to be applicable in the 2012 tax year.
Remember, under the original construct and delayed by the White House, the employer has two options: 1.) provide access to a qualifying plan – as part of the benefits, or, 2.) Pay a tax to the gov’t who will provide the plan via Obamacare exchanges, networks and providers.
The employer mandate was postponed twice by HHS, as a result of the other postponements, and at the political request of the White House.
Because it was postponed twice – the employer portion of healthcare premium coverage being considered “income” was also postponed but will now kick in next year for wages earned in 2015.   This becomes stage five of the outrage.

Stage Five – The “taxpayers” realize their previous healthcare premium was considered a pre-tax deduction. (Progressives call these “tax expenditures”).

Listen to the embedded video at 28:40 to understand how the progressive system viewed “tax deductible” healthcare premiums as “tax expenditures” and how they have structured the system to reflect what comes next. This is how employer provided healthcare premium payments are now going to be considered income:

w2 box 12

The employer paid premium, and the subsidy provided to assist in Obamacare premium coverage, are both considered a part of taxable earnings, “wage income”.

Stage Six – The same year employees realize their W2 now shows their employer healthcare benefit as part of their taxable income – Employers will drop their employee coverage. (October 2015 notices for January 1st 2016 cancellations) ALSO (The 2015 W2 and I-1099 forms will show the movement of premium to income).

Stage Seven – The “taxpayers” are joined by the previous “non taxpayers” as the bills come due and tax returns are filed. (April 2016 and April 2017)  ALL Tax refunds are reduced substantially as revenues are needed. Folks realize their subsidy is now part of their earnings – that have a bigger tax liability.

Because we have now reached the end of all the postponement timelines we are able to look forward with a prediction.
The magnitude of the Obamacare impacts are targeted to arrive and be fully visible in the year 2016.  Those who previously were in employer coverage, and isolated from seeing/feeling the impacts in 2016, will be fully engaged in understanding the deception.   2016 is an election year.
Healthcare will be the #1 issue in the 2016 election…..

Stage Eight – Election year 2016 ! Introduction of “Clintoncare” Hillary Clinton steps in with previous plan from 1990’s, and the nation votes on essentially a single payer plan with promises of lower taxation, et al. By that time so many people will be enrolled in the ACA “Obamacare” the selling point will be around transition to “Clintoncare” being actually easier.

Which model will be sold based on infrastructure and synergy?

Stage NineMedicare is rolled into Clintoncare – Nationalization is complete.

Lean Forward
