Earlier we shared how the establishment GOP continues to try and avoid sunlight upon the fraud committed inside the Mississippi senate race.   Their strategy is to stick to the Saul Alinsky playbook and isolate, marginalize and ridicule the challenge which outlines the corruptocrat maneuverings.

thad cochran - chris mcdanielJACKSON, Miss. — A tea party-backed candidate is formally challenging his loss to U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran in the Mississippi Republican primary.
State Sen. Chris McDaniel announced on his website Monday that he had filed a challenge with the Mississippi GOP state executive committee over Cochran’s June 24 runoff victory.
McDaniel will have to prove there were enough illegally cast votes to change the outcome or the election was so sloppily handled its result is in doubt.
McDaniel has called the runoff a sham and excoriated Cochran for seeking votes from Democrats. Mississippi voters don’t register by party, but it is against state law to vote in one party’s primary and another party’s runoff in the same cycle.
Certified results show Cochran won by 7,667 votes, or 51 percent.
Cochran’s campaign courted black voters, most of whom traditionally vote Democratic in Mississippi. Turnout in majority-black counties grew by 43 percent from the June 3 Republican primary to the June 24 runoff, while in majority-white counties, it grew 17 percent.
In a statement released in June, McDaniel said his team would be examining “irregularities” in the voting data, saying, “We must be absolutely certain that our Republican primary was won by Republican voters.”
Conservative groups like FreedomWorks backed McDaniel in calling for a challenge.
[…]  Separately, the Clarion-Ledger reported that voter integrity organization True the Vote is suing the Mississippi Secretary of State for alleged violations of the Voting Rights Act, including being denied access to voting records. Thirteen plaintiffs joining True the Vote in the suit are all McDaniel supporters.
Mississippi has no formal procedure in place for a recount.  (read more)
Another lengthy report from Breitbart Media HERE
